The American Revolution

  • Currency Act

    An act that was passed that restricted the use of paper money in the colonies.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    The people of Albany met with seven representatives in order to gain an alliance. In case of war with the French.
  • Writs of Assistance

    Writs of Assistance
    This document was created by the British in order to show the colonists to let them search their land for anything suspicious.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French, allied with the Indians, went to war with England and the colonists went to war because of control over land. England lost money soon after, and the king decided to tax the colonists.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    A law that was passed that forbid settlers to move west of the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Pontianc's War

    A war that was caused by the British laws offending the Indians.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    In order to pay for the French and Indian War, England taxed the colonists on imported goods. In defiance, the colonists boycott imported goods and started making their own goods.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    An act that British Parliament passed that taxed the colonists in order to pay for money lost in the French and Indian War.
  • Quartering Act

    An act that was passed where the colonists lost supplies for their soldiers.
  • Daughters of Liberty

    A group of women that figured out how to help with the Revolutionary War even though they were women.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    An act that taxed the colonists in order to pay for protection.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    Two battles that took place back to back. The soldiers then moved on to the battle at Concord. British Soldiers were sent to Concord to capture Samuel Adams and John Hancock, but it backfired because Paul Revere warned them in time.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    When the British Soldiers came into Boston. One soldier fired an accidental shot, and started a masacre that killed five people.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The East Indian Tea Company had millions of pounds of tea unsold, so the colonists payed for the tea at a bargain price.
  • Sons of Liberty

    A group of nine people that rebelled against the Stamp Act.
  • Quebec Act

    An act that gave the French more land.
  • Coercive Act

    Coercive Act
    An act that discontinued landing and discharging, landing and shipping.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    American Colonists dressed up as Mowhawk Indians, when to the ship harbor, and threw crates of tea into the ocean.
  • Restraining Act

    An act that cut off Boston's trade.
  • New England Restraining Act

    An act that was passed that forced the colonists to trade only with Great Britian.
  • Continental Congress

    Continental Congress
    Benjamen Franklin attended a meeting trying to tell King George why the colonists were unhappy.
  • Second Continental Congress

    A group of people who promoted the well- being of the colonists.
  • Continental Army

    An army for the colonists made entirely of volunteers.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    A battle where the American Colonists were beaten by the British.
  • The Olive Branch Petition

    A petition that the colonists created that said they were tired of the King taxing the colonists.
  • Prohibitory Act

    An act that made a declaration of war.
  • Battle of Quebec

    A battle where the colonies tried to capture the land of Quebec.
  • Common Sense

    This inspired people to go to war.
  • Declaration of Independence

    This document was formed to show the King that he didn't rule over them anymore.
  • Policy of Non-importation

    A policy that restricted the importing of some British goods.