The American Revolution

  • Lexington and Concord

    Location: Massachusetts The british went to Lexigton to get 2 leaders.
    The colonists were waiting for them.
    The first shot was fired in Lexigton, no one knows from witch side.
    The British won
    The British moved on to Concord to get the abut munition.
    The British arrived there were already Colonists there they got into a battle.
    The Colonists won.
    British Force: 1500
    Killed: 73
    Wounded: 174
    Captured: 53
    Colonial Force: 3800
    Killed: 49
    Wounded: 39
    Captured: 0
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Location: Lake Champlain
    British Force: 78
    Killed: 0
    Wounded: 0
    Captured: 0
    American Force: 168
    Killed: 0
    Wounded: 0
    Captured: 1 The Colonists where in search for weapons and before as the day broke they attack Fort Ticonderoga.
    The British surrendered and the colonists where able to get more or less 100 canons.
    The Colonists won.
  • Bunker Hill (Breed’s Hill)

    Location: Boston British Force: 3000
    Killed: 226
    Wounded: 828
    Captured: 0
    Colonists Force: 2400
    Killed: 115
    Wounded: 305
    Captured: 30 The first actual bloody battle
    The colonists fortified the wrong for during the night.
    The british started firing aaisnt the fort
    Around 3PM they started foing up and the colonists where told to only shot if they were close because they had limited munitions.
    The conists did but they ended up losing the fort anyways.
    British won.
  • Invasion of Quebec

    Location:Maine/Canada English Force: 1800
    Killed: 5
    Wounded: 14
    Captured: 0
    Colonists Force: 1200
    Killed: 48
    Wounded: 34
    Captured: 431 Colonists attempt to capture the city of quebec.
    The battle didn't start well and by the start already 400 colonials had been captured. The main reason for this failure was the bad timing and the weather.
    This was the first really colonial defeat.
    British won
  • Dorchester Heights

    Location: Boston The british were forced to evacuate New England Colonial won
  • Long Island

    Location: New York British Force: 20000
    Killed: 64
    Wounded: 293
    Captured: 31
    Colonial Force: 10000
    Killed: 300
    Wounded: 800
    Captured: 1000 Both sides noticed the importance of New York.
    Many british boats where cominng and the Colonial troops where positioning and tring to take them out.
    The British manage to have about 50000 man and 40 canons.
    British won
  • Trenton

    Location: Trenton British Force: 1520
    Killed: 22
    Wounded: 86
    Captured: 906
    Colonial Force: 2400
    Killed: 2
    Wounded: 5
    Captured: 0 Trops where crossing the Delawere river and feel a need for clothing and a sense of defeat that turned into sickeness and a lot of casualties made. Not really a battle but Colonial won
  • Princeton

    Location: Princeton British Force: 1200
    Killed: 100
    Wounded: 70
    Captured: 280
    Colonial Force: 4500
    Killed: 25
    Wounded: 40
    Captured: 0 The Colonial trops crossed the river even in the bad weaher and the Hessians because they weren't expecting them and then he retrited and waited for the Curnewallises.
    Colonial won
  • Brandywine Creek

    Location: Pennsylvania British Force: 15500
    Killed: 89
    Wounded: 488
    Captured: 6
    Colonial Force: 14600
    Killed: 300
    Wounded: 600
    Captured: 400 After being defeated the hope of the soldiers was very down. And this battle even tought it had no land significance was estremilly important to give new found hope for the colonists Colonial won
  • Saratoga

    Location: _New York British Force: 7200
    Killed: 140
    Wounded: 370
    Captured: 390
    Colonial Force: 9000
    Killed: 60
    Wounded: 260
    Captured: 0 The British had a lot of wins and were really confident. They took the land way isntead of the road by water with made the journey longer. In the given time the Colonials had had time to preper themselfs agaisnt the British. Colonial won
  • Germantown

    Location: Pennsylvania British Force: 9000
    Killed: 71
    Wounded: 444
    Captured: 0
    Colonial Force: 11000
    Killed: 152
    Wounded: 521
    Captured: 438 After many loses in Philadelphia. The colonial plan was to try to surptice the British.
  • Monmouth

    Location: New Jersey British Force: 14500
    Killed: 289
    Wounded: 641
    Captured: 60
    Colonial Force: 11000
    Killed: 400
    Wounded: 40
    Captured: 22 The British were vunerable caring the troops moving from place to place the american would slow down there job everyway thatc they could. George washington believed that the british were vunerable and after a klot of convincing the Colonial trops attacked the British.
    It was a tie, because Colonial got the land but British manage to move to were they want
  • Savannah

    Location: Georgia British Force: 3100
    Killed: 7
    Wounded: 17
    Captured: 0
    Colonial Force: 850
    Killed: 83
    Wounded: 11
    Captured: 453 Even with not a lot of man the colonists decided to defend the city agaisnt the british which ended with the lost of 550 man and all the weaponds
  • Vincennes

    Location: Western Territories The colonists captured English forts which helped with negotiation after the war
  • Charleston

    Location: South Carolina British Force: 13500
    Killed: 76
    Wounded: 182
    Captured: 0
    Colonists Force: 5466
    Killed: 92
    Wounded: 148
    Captured: 4650 The British attenpeted to go South because there was more dispution in between being loyal to the king or not
    This was the biggest colonial lost
    British trops gained control over the south British won
  • King’s Mountain

    Location: South Carolina British Force: 1200
    Killed: 290
    Wounded: 163
    Captured: 668
    Colonist Force: 900
    Killed: 29
    Wounded: 58
    Captured: 0 The battle in between carolinas made the British retreat againt to South Carolina.
    This had been previewed with a seris of small battle
    The main battle was concedered to be bloody Colonial won
  • Yorktown

    Location: Virginia British Force: 8980
    Killed: 309
    Wounded: 326
    Captured: 8007
    English Force: 20600
    Killed: 72
    Wounded: 180
    Captured: 0 This was the last major battle in the war.
    The colonial army had manage to get the whole north and with french ships on the sea and unterally overnunmbered the British gave up after some fight. Colonial won