The American Revolution

  • French and Indian War

    The war fought between Great Britain and its two enemies, the French and the Indians of North America. It starts with scalping of the French ambassador. Most of the battles were in Canada. American colonists, including George Washington, fought with the British in this war, which lasted from 1754 to 1763. The British won the war and won the right to keep Canada and several other possessions in the New World.
  • Battle of Monogahela

    At the battle of Monogahela, General Braddock gets shot.
  • Treaty of Paris

    In 1763(not actually January), the French loses all territory that is East of the Mississippi River.
  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763 (not January 1st, but the exact date is unknown), signed by King George III of England, prohibits any English settlement west of the Appalachian mountains and requires those already settled in those regions to return east in an attempt to ease tensions with Native Americans.
  • Sugar Act

    This act put a three-cent tax on sugar and increased taxes on coffee, indigo, and certain kinds of wine. It banned importation of rum and French wines. These taxes affected only a certain part of the population, but the affected merchants spoke their mind. Besides, the taxes were enacted without the consent of the colonists. This was one of the first instances in which colonists wanted a say in how much they were taxed.
  • The Currency Act

    Passed in 1764, this act was a law that prevented the colonists from printing their own money-which was called Bills of Credit-so that the British could trade with the colonists.
  • Sons of Liberty Was Founded

    Founded in 1765(not January), John Hancock helped samuel Adams create the Sons of Liberty. The white on the flag symbolizes honesty. The red symbolizes bravery.
  • The Quartering Act

    Happening in March, the Quartering Act requires colonists to house British troups and supply them with food.
  • The Stamp Act

    This was instituted in November, but the exact day is unsure. This law stated that all colonists must pay a tax on all printed items. To show that you have payed for an item, a stamp would be placed on the item. That stamp costed money. The colonists didn't think they should be paying for something they hadn't been for many years. They responded in force, and that was the becoming of the Stamp Act Congress.
  • The Stamp Act Congress

    In October, the Stamp Act Congress convenes in New York City, with representatives from nine of the colonies. The Congress prepares a resolution to be sent to King George III and the English Parliament. The petition requests the repeal of the Stamp Act and the Acts of 1764.
  • The Declaratory Act

    On the same day it repealed the Stamp Act (not actually January 1st), the English Parliament passes the Declaratory Act stating that the British government has total power to legislate any laws having to do with the American colonies in all cases whatsoever.
  • The Townshend Revenue Acts

    In June, The English Parliament passes the Townshend Revenue Acts, imposing a new series of taxes on the colonists. Items taxed include imports such as paper, tea, glass, lead and paints.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre occurs as a mob throws many things such as oyster shells, snowballs, and iceballs at British soldiers who then fire their muskets at the crowd killing three instantly, wounding four, and injuring six. One of the first men who died was a black man.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Angry and frustrated at a new tax on tea, American colonists calling themselves the Sons of Liberty and disguised as Mohawk Native Americans boarded three British ships (the Dartmouth, the Eleanor, and the Beaver) and dumped 342 whole crates of British tea into Boston harbor. Similar incidents occurred in Maryland, New York, and New Jersey in the next few months, and tea was eventually boycotted throughout the colonies.
  • The Quebec Act

    Happening in 1774(not January), the Quebec Act was considered an Intolerable Act. The act allowed complete religious freedom for the French Canadians.
  • The Administration of Justice Act

    It was passed on May 20th 1774. It was one of the intolerable acts that all happened around the same time. This act allowed British soldiers to pretty much do anything and get away with it. Thomas Gage was appointed the new military governor of Boston.
  • Paul Revere

    Paul Revere makes his famous "Midnight Ride" between 9 o'clock and 10 o'clock warning people that the king's troups were about to embark in boats from Boston bound for Cambridge and the road from Lexington to Concord.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Americans had occupied Breed's Hill in Charlestown on June 16, 1775, in order to protect the shipyard of nearby Boston. The next day, the British attacked. They took the hill but suffered heavy losses. The Americans fired until they were out of ammunition, then quickly retreated. To conserve ammunition, Prescott told his men, "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes." Even though the battle was fought on Breed's Hill, it has been remembered as the Battle of Bunker Hill.
  • Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" Published

    Thomas Paine was a Patriot and American soldier whose main contribution was in writing. His pamphlets, including Common Sense and The Crisis, inflamed the American population and furthered the Revolutionary cause.
  • Declaration of Independence Signed

    The document declaring the 13 American Colonies independent from Great Britai was written by Thomas Jefferson. Many prominent Americans signed it, including John Hancock, John Adams, and Samuel Adams. Great Britain's response was to continue the war.