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The Age of Enlightenment


    movement in the 18th cen. wanted reform. In all aspects possible.
  • Period: to


  • Print culture - S, C, I/T

    written materials increased, due to high literacy rate. books, pamphlets and such were LARGE SOURCE to circulate knowledge.
  • Voltaire - S, C, I/T, P

    Well-known Philosophe. Best known work was Candide, satire of war and optimism. Took up Calas's case. Made a lot of people very, very angry. Was imprisoned (although comfortably)
  • Enlightenment & Relig. - R, S, C

    -Deism = God = watchmaker. Cannot interfere.
    -Philosophes = normally against religion. thought it was 'blinding'.
  • PHILSOPHES - S, C, R, I/T, P

    Social critics/social activists! Pushed liberty and change for GOOD. Most famous = Voltaire. (Ecraze L'infame!)
  • Encyclopedia - I/T, C

    Complied mainly by Denis Diderot. Major source of 18th cen. knowledge. 17 volumes.
  • Montesquieu - S, C, P

    believes that temperature affects work ethic, also Islam could be "tool for political manipulation"
  • Adam Smith - I/T, E, P

    Challenged mercantillist beliefs and ideas. Thought it was stupid. Thought market was self-regulating.
    "created" Laissez-faire = state should only deal w/ education and army, gov't should take more risks.
    4 stage theory
  • Rousseau - C, S

    Hated society. Thought inequality came from uneven distribution of land. Social contract - All men are born free, but everywhere they are in chains.
    Emile - "men and women inhabit different spheres"
  • Enligthened Despots - P, C

    Frederick II of Prussia
    Joseph II of Austria
    Catherine II of Russia - wife of Peter III, helped his murder
  • Rococo - S, C

    Painting style. Lighthearted. colorful. pastel colors. fast brush strokes.
  • Mary Wollstonecraft - S, C, I/T

    Feminist. Declared men like Rousseus (Emile) put inferior ideas into women's heads which stopped them from acheiving things.
  • Neoclassical - S, C

    Return to Renaissance Art. was very dramatic. Oath of Horatti - "depressing", Greco-Roman.
  • Enlightened Absolutism - P

    Philosophes = YES to enlightened monarch to take off restrictions
    Enlightened Despots = used this reform to their advantages!