The Age Of Discovery

By kd1997
  • Nov 29, 1454

    Amerigo vesspucci

    Amerigo vesspucci
    Vesspucci is an italian explorer. He went on several voyages.He was known to be the discoveror of america. They named america after him.
  • Aug 15, 1521

    magellans death

    magellans death
    Along the way of the journey to new land, magellan died.He and many of his men died. He had originally had about 270 men and at the ended with 17.
  • Middle Passage

    Middle Passage
    Middle passage was the middle portion of the triangular trade. Many slaves along the way died because of diseases and that had little immunity. middle passge was one the longest and hardest of the slaveships.
  • mestizos

    European and native americans.
  • mulattes

    These people were the offspring of africans and europeans.
  • slave Trade

    slave Trade
    They took slaves from Africa.