the 1800's

By dylan q
  • cotton gin (1793)

    the cotton gin is made and it explodes slavery.
    impact of cotton gin-they called it king cotton it now became the dominant crop,slavery exploded because of the demand of cotton,cotton production moved westward in the south.
  • trail of tears

    it forced native americans out of georgia and relocate to oklahoma over 1,000 miles in horrible conditions.
  • 75% of the of word production

    south made 75% of cotton in the world
  • republican party formed

    the kansas/nebraska act was formed and made it possible that slavery now could expand into new areas of our nation. anti - slavery forces were angered by this. The republican party was formed as an anti-slavery movement. It was understood that if you were a republican at this time you were against slavery.
  • lincoln douglas debates

    debates that took place in illinois between the two men running for the U.S. senate. Stephen douglas was a recognized leader of the democratic party. Abraham lincoln was a young and relatively unkown polotician at the time. Douglas tried to avoid making a strong stand on the slavery issue by saying that popular sovereignty should decide the issue in each area. Lincoln was against slavery.
  • john brown's raid at harpers ferry virginia

    despite attacking a U.S. goverement base brown was viewed as a hero this was shocking news to the south and made southerners realize that anti-slavery movement was growing stronger. the division between north and south is almost complete.