French revolution 2

The 13 English Colonies By Ava Morreim and Madeleine Lange

  • Southern Colony- Virginia

    Southern Colony- Virginia
    Founded by John Smith. Founded for search of gold. He didn't find gold, though; he found indians.
  • New English Colony- Massachusetts Bay

    New English Colony- Massachusetts Bay
    Founded by Williom Bradford and John Winthrop. Founded for escape from religious persecution in England.
  • Southern Colony- Maryland

    Southern Colony- Maryland
    Founded by Lord Baltimore. Founded for refuge for Catholics in North America.
  • New England Colony- Rhode Island

    New England Colony- Rhode Island
    Founded by Rodger Williams. Founded for a colony for people of all religions.
  • New English Colony- Connecticut

    New English Colony- Connecticut
    Founded by Thomas Hooker. Founded for farming, trade, and political freedom.
  • Middle Colony- New Jersey (Under English Rule)

    Middle Colony- New Jersey (Under English Rule)
    Founded by John Berkeley and George Carteret. Founded because the land was captured from the Dutch.
  • Middle Colony- New York

    Middle Colony- New York
    Founded by the Duke of York. Founded because the land was captured from the Dutch.
  • New English Colony- New Hampshire

    New English Colony- New Hampshire
    Founded by John Wheelwright. Founded for trade and fishing.
  • Middle Colony- Pennsylvania

    Middle Colony- Pennsylvania
    Founded by William Penn. Founded to establish Quaker colony in North America.
  • Middle Colony- Delaware

    Middle Colony- Delaware
    Founded by William Penn. Founded for farm and trading.
  • Southern Colony- South Carolina

    Southern Colony- South Carolina
    Founded by Anthony Ashley-Cooper. Founded for farming.
  • Southern Colony- North Carolina

    Southern Colony- North Carolina
    Founded by William Berkely. Founded for farming.
  • Southern Colony- Georgia

    Southern Colony- Georgia
    Founded by James Oglethorpe. Founded for fefuge for debtors. The colony was between Carolinas and Florida.