the 13 colonies timeline

  • The begining

    The begining
    In 1609 a land grant was obtained by the London Company from England for 400 miles along the coast of the Atlantic attempt to create any colonies sadly failed.
  • The 1620's

    The 1620's
    In 1620, New England's Plymouth Colony was the very first successful established colony. Soon, Plymouth was de-established and was no longer known as part of the 13 colonies.
  • The 1770's

    The 1770's
    In the 1770's a group of the 13 British American colonies collectively broke from the British Empire.
  • 1776

    In 1776, the United states was formed from the 13 original British colonies.
  • Fun Facts

    Fun Facts
    On July 4, 1776, the British declared themselves the United states of America.
  • 1790

    By 1790 all of the 13 colonies were states
  • 1607 to 1732

    1607 to 1732
    From 1607 to 1732, the colonies were established.
  • New England colonies

    New England colonies
    The colonies from New England are, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island.
  • The Middle colonies

    The Middle colonies
    The Middle colonies are, New York, Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
  • The Southern colonies

    The Southern colonies
    The Southern colonies are, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Maryland.