13 colonies

The 13 Colonies

By mboyer
  • Virginia founded

    Virginia founded by England to find gold and other riches. Virginia was mostly Plantations, which had hundreds of slaves, tons of famland, and hot, steamy, humid air. Those poor slaves! Did you know that Virginiawas the first English colony?
  • New York founded

    New York Founded by Peter Minuit to trade furs with native americans.
  • Massachusetts founded

    Massachusetts founded by Jhon Winthrop due to wanting religious freedom. The colony had very strict religous rules, and if you protested, broke, or defied the rules you were banished from Massachusetts altogether. Did you know that the Pilgrims landed there in 1620?
  • Maryland founded

    Maryland founded by Cecilius Calvert to serve as a refuge for Catholics.
  • Conneticut founded

    Conneticut founded by Thomas Hooker due to wanting religous freedom. Like in Rhode Island, the people of Conneticut could worship how they wanted.
  • Delaware founded

    Delaware founded
    The Swedes founded Delaware originally. Later, England took control of New Sweden and gave it to William Penn. Possibly ten years after, Delaware and Pennsylvania separated, Delaware a new colony.
  • Rhode Island Founded

    Founded by Roger Williams, due to wanting religous freedom. Many dissenters went to Rhode Island so they could practice freely, instead of under Massachusetts law.
  • North Carolina and South Carolina founded

    Both founded by King Charles the II to help England control the Southeastern North America. Did you know that around where North Carolina is was where the very first English settlement, Roanoke, was established?
  • New Hampshire Founded

    New Hampshie was founded by Jhon Mason because not of wanting religous freedom, but wanting colonists to make money by fishing!
  • Pennsylvania founded

    Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn because he wanted Religous freedom, and he wanted to see how people of different religions mingled and acted towards each other. Pennslyvainia was the "breadbasket" of the colonies, growing much of the food.
  • New Jersey Founded

    New jersey was founded by Jhon Berkley and George Carteret because of it's indutrial advantage of being by the sea. Did you know that the colony was gifted to the two men by the King of England?
  • Georgia Founded

    The youngest of the colonies, Georgia Was founded by James Oglethorpe as a refuge for debtors and other poor or financially troubled people.