The 10 Most important things in mac history in my opinion

  • The Z1 was the first programable computer

    The Z1 was the first programable computer
    The Z1 was made by Konrad Zuse in a living room of his parents in 1936. It was the first programmable electro-mechanicalised computer. and the first digital computer
    I think this was very important because it was the first programmable computer ever.
  • The first calculator

    The first calculator
    The first calculator was made by George Stibitz, and in 1940 he demonstrated. "he stunned the whatchers"
    I think this was very important because they could finally calculat things without using their brain.
  • The bombe

    The bombe
    The bombe was pregrammed to dycrype nazi telegrams. This was envented in WWII when the nazis almost took over. I think this was very important because the war might not have been won with out this because this could tell the americans where and when and how the nazis could attack.
  • The colossus

    This was the first programmable, digital, electronic computer. This was envented by the british.
    This was very important because now you can see what you were doing
  • The first computer game!!!!!!!

    The first computer that could hold data was the British computer know as EDSAC, it made it's first calculation on May 6, 1949 and it ran the first grafical conputer game.
    I think this was important because video games might not have been this popular now a days and not as advanced, it also helped the military and simulations to help train people to fly or airtrafic controllers.
  • First game console

    First game console
    This was the first game console that was invented, called the brown box, invented by Ralph Baer. This is important because that started the chain rection of games.
  • Apollo

    "The Apollo Guidance Computer" It steered Apollo 11 to the "linear surface", all the astronaunts did was push two bottons into the computer and it did it's work.
  • Super computer is born

    Super computer is born
    Supercomputer, Seymour Cray made it, it could performed up to 3 million instructions per second. It could proccess 3 times faster then it's rival, the IBM Stretch. it was considered to be the fastest computer in the world, until they made a better computer that surpased it, the CDC 7600, in 1968. The speed came from the computer´s design, it had ten computers, known as peripheral processors, that processed the data.
  • The first portable computer

    The first portable computer
    The first portable computer wieghed about 55 pounds. It was released to the public in 1975, it had a 5 inch Display, tape drive, 64 KB RAM, and 1.9 MHZ PALM processor.
  • The firat mac computer

    The firat mac computer
    The first mac computer was called Apple 1. Steve Wozniak designed it.