Territorial Claims in the New World

  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to

    Expansion of Different Country's

  • Aug 1, 1492

    Columbus claims The Bahamas for Spain

    Columbus claims The Bahamas for Spain
    Columbus was not actually looking for the Bahamas he was actually looking for India for because they had spices that would he with food poisoning in Europe and Spain.
  • Dec 3, 1497

    Jamestown becomes the First English Colony

    Jamestown becomes the First English Colony
    Jamestown was not actually The FIrst English Colony actually The Roanoke Colony was the first ENglish colony, but the colony had failed so Jamestown became the first sucessful English Colony.
  • Dec 3, 1519

    Cortes conquers Mexico

    Cortes conquers Mexico
  • Dec 3, 1532

    Pizzaro conquers Peru

    Pizzaro conquers Peru
  • Dec 3, 1534

    France claims New France

    France claims New France
  • Dec 3, 1540

    The Coronado Expedition

    The Coronado Expedition
    The Coronado Expedition was a voyage in which Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was looking for the " Seven Cities of Gold " that was told in ledgend throughout Spain. He traveled to present day New Mexico for the City, but the city that was told in the story had not been what it was thought to be.
  • Dec 3, 1565

    Pedro Menedez de Aviles drives the French out

    Pedro Menedez de Aviles drives the French out
  • The Lost Colony of Roanoke

    The Lost Colony of Roanoke
  • The Spanish make the Indians their slaves.

    The Spanish make the Indians their slaves.
    When the Spainish and the Indians first meet they taught each other different skills that would aid them in their survival in the New World. When the Indians told of the riches you could gain from the land the Spainish went on an expedition to find the treasures, but they did not find what they had been told. When the Spainish returned they had not liked getting lied to, so they made all of the indians that lied to them their slaves.
  • The Spanish settles The Spanish Borderlands

    The Spanish settles The Spanish Borderlands
  • The French settles in Quebec

     The French settles in Quebec
  • France claims Louisiana from Spain