Terra's Tech Timeline

By TerraG
  • Receives first television

    Receives first television
    My grandpa gave me my first black and white television.
  • Introduced to Apple computers at school

    Introduced to Apple computers at school
    I played Oregon Trail in the computer lab at my elementary school.
  • My first cassette tape

    My first cassette tape
    My first cassette tape was from New Kids on the Block.
  • Introduced to word processors

    Introduced to word processors
    Word processors were used by students in 5th and 6th grade at my elementary school to practice keyboarding and typing certain assignments.
  • Takes high school keyboarding class

    Takes high school keyboarding class
    This was a freshman year elective.
  • Receives first color television

    Receives first color television
    My mom bought me a color tv for Christmas.
  • Introduced to pagers

    Introduced to pagers
    I never owned one, but I sent many messages to my friends.
  • First home computer

    First home computer
    Purchased our first home computer with dial-up internet access.
  • Purchased last VHS tape

    Purchased last VHS tape
    Stopped purchasing VHS tapes and fully switched over to DVDs.
  • First cell phone

    First cell phone
    My first cell phone was a basic flip-phone.
  • Opens Myspace account

    Opens Myspace account
    Myspace was my first experience with a social media account.
  • Opens Facebook account

    Opens Facebook account
  • Began using a laptop computer

    Began using a laptop computer
    I purchased a laptop computer. The main benefit was that it's portable and can be used anywhere.
  • Upgrades to smart television - adds Netflix

    Upgrades to smart television - adds Netflix
    We installed internet streaming service application to our newly purchased smart television.
  • Upgrades to a smart phone

    Upgrades to a smart phone
    The thing I was most excited about when purchasing a smartphone was the inclusion of a pretty decent camera.
  • Purchased car with Bluetooth capabilities

    Purchased car with Bluetooth capabilities
    I am able to connect my phone or any other Bluetooth compatible device to my phone.
  • Enrolls in college / business technology classes

    Enrolls in college / business technology classes
    I am taking business technology classes and learning additional computer skills.