• First TV spotted

    The very first television was seen at the 1900 World Fair in Paris.
  • Found out how to capture objects and put them on TV

    A scientist from Scotland, named John Baird, developed a way to capture objects in motion in 1924.
  • 1st TV station

    The first station was named W3XK and it was owned by Charles Jenkins in 1928.
  • TV's were tested

    TV’s were tested at the World Fair in 1939 to market to the public. They would see if it would be suitable to be in regular everyday homes.
  • Color TV was released

    Color TV was released
    Color TV had been in development for many years, it finally released to the public in 1950.
  • The first Flat screen was released

    The first Flat screen was released
    Developers at Panasonic developed and released the flat screen TV.
  • A major event was recorded on TV

    A major event was recorded on TV
    Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon and the whole world saw through their television sets.
  • Dish TV

    In 2004, dish TV was invented.
  • We switched to all digital television

    We switched to all digital television
    In 2009 the American people made the switch to all-digital television viewing. This made it so people would free up the communication lines for emergencies.