Sam tv ue46c7700 front

History of Television

  • Discovery of Photoconductivity of Selenium

    Discovery of Photoconductivity of Selenium
    Discovered by Willoughby Smith
  • Invention of Scanning Disk

    Invention of Scanning Disk
    Made by Nipkow
  • Nipkow Patents tv system

    Nipkow Patents tv system
    German college student patents first electromechanical television system, but didn't build a full model. Variations of his spinning disk were used to create televisions.
  • Baird Demonstrates TV

    Baird Demonstrates TV
    First public demonstration of televised images.
  • Baird Continues

    Baird Continues
    First transatlantic television signal
  • Programs

    First regularly scheduled program only in half tones. It was experimental.
  • Electric Tv Begins

    Electric Tv Begins
  • Electronic TV ready

    Electronic TV ready
    Used cathode ray tube and iconoscope to produce 525 line images.
  • US Innovates TV

    US Innovates TV
    First live broadcast. Harry Truman's speech in San Francisco
  • Tournament of Rose Parade

    Tournament of Rose Parade
    First national color tv broadcast
  • HDTV

    First introduced in America.
  • TV sets are advanced

    TV sets are advanced
    Most are complete with free tv signal and are able to pay for additional cable or HD channels.
  • 3D TVs

    3D TVs
    3D ready television sets with glasses that didnt require red and blue lenses.
  • Bendable tv

    Bendable tv
    Samsung creates tv that bends.