Edad moderna

Technology Timeline: The Modern Age

  • 1492

    The Modern Age begins

    The Modern Age begins
  • The calculator

    The calculator
    - Speeds up the calculation.
    - Allows more complex calculations.
    - Gives exact results. Disadvantages:
    - Promotes laziness.
    - Make a small amount of error in complex calculations or with irrational numbers.
    - It can prevent younger students from developing mathematical skills.
  • Pendulum clock

    Pendulum clock
    - Allowed to know the exact time immediately.
    - Helped define work schedules, and thus improve conditions and productivity.
    - Helped organize people's schedule. Disadvantages:
    - The loss of other time measurement systems.
    - It was not possible to transport them.
    - It was necessary to know how to read the time to understand them.
  • The piano

    The piano
    - It has a cleaner sound than its predecessors.
    - Allows interpreting complex works.
    - Improves the coordination of the person who touches it. Disadvantages:
    - It is an expensive instrument and difficult to maintain.
    - Requires knowledge of music to use.
    - It is difficult to transport.
  • The lightning rod

     The lightning rod
    - Protects people and animals from the possibility of being struck by lightning.
    - Avoid electrical accidents in buildings.
    - Prevent fires. Disadvantages:
    - If it fails, it can cause the death of people who are around tall buildings.
    - If the lightning rod of an airplane fails it can cause a big accident.
    - They have a high cost.
  • The guillotine

    The guillotine
    - Gives a quick and painless death.
    -He helped to ensure that the punishment for crimes during the Old Regime was the same for everyone, regardless of social class.
    - He prevented the torture of those sentenced to death. Disadvantages:
    -The death penalty became a popular spectacle and the condemned had no privacy.
    - As the decapitations were executed, the blade lost its edge, not cutting completely at the first attempt.
    - It violates the human right to life.
  • The End of The Modern Age and the beginnig of the Contemporary Age III

    The End of The Modern Age and the beginnig of the Contemporary Age III
    • El piano permitió crear obras más complejas con un mejor sonido.
    • La guillotina fue la mayor condena durante la Revolución Francesa. Esta igualó a todos los condenados sin importar clase social o poder adquisitivo y ayudó a que la muerte de los condenados fuera lo más humana posible, es decir sin dolor ni sufrimiento.
  • The End of The Modern Age and the beginnig of the Contemporary Age II

    The End of The Modern Age and the beginnig of the Contemporary Age II
    • The clock helped improve the productivity and conditions of workers, setting an hourly wage to avoid long hours of poorly paid work, and to better organize cities and events. It also helped scientists calculate their experiments more accurately.
    • The lightning rod prevented the destruction and burning of buildings and the death of people. He also helped make the idea of ​​developing airplanes possible and make them safer.
  • The End of The Modern Age and the beginnig of the Contemporary Age I

    The End of The Modern Age and the beginnig of the Contemporary Age I
    These inventions made a great advance that in almost all cases lent themselves to improvements with which more complex artifacts were developed.
    • The calculator helped to do more arithmetic operations in less time, this helped both merchants and scientists to spend less time doing calculations. Over time it has been perfected and today they are essential for economics, engineering, physics...