Technology Timeline

  • Operation Game

    Operation Game
    One of the first games that we played as children, that had a battery and had noises.
  • T.V.

    T.V. as a child. We had only one T.V. There were only 3-5 stations. We had an antenna on top of our roof. You actually had to get up and go change the channel with your hands.
  • Atari

    First Video Game in childhood home. I remember the game of pong as one of the first games that we played.
  • Donkey Kong

    Donkey Kong
    During lunch of my first job at an ice cream stand I would play Donkey Kong - I got really good at this game!
  • Macintosh Computer

    Macintosh Computer
    First computer in childhood home. Then I received one as a Christmas gift my senior year in college but never used it because I think the software to use it was too expensive.
  • Gameboy

    First handheld video game.
  • Internet

    I began teaching in 1989. I believe that each teacher got a computer and was hooked up to the internet. The students were able to use the computer to take little reading tests, to test their reading comprehension.
  • First Gaming system for own kids

    First Gaming system for own kids
    We finally broke down and bought a Nintendo gaming system for our kids. I would play the game Beetle Battle with my kids on a little 10 inch T.V.
  • Play Station

    Play Station
    Up graded to Play Station. Worst mistake of our lives.(JK) Very addicting, was able to use it for bribery and reward for chores and behavior.
  • Today in our home

    Today in our home
    In our home today - 4 T.V's with remotes and over 100 channels - access to internet, Netflix's, Hulu etc, 2 gaming consoles, 2 laptops, 4 cell phones. AAAHHHH