Technology Through the Ages

  • 8200 BCE


    The first known boat was approximately made between 8,200 and 7,600 B.C.E. created by the people of Pesse. It was used to transport people to another place on Earth on water. It solved the problem of getting to other continents or countries instead of going by horseback or on foot, in some cases.
  • 7000 BCE


    The earliest use of the pillow was in 7,000 B.C.E. invented by the Mesopotamians. Other than using the pillows for comfort, it was also used for keeping bugs and insects out of people's hair, mouth, nose, and ears while sleeping, solving the problem of getting unwanted diseases.
  • 3600 BCE


    The first use of a mattress occured in 3,600 B.C.E. by early natives of Persia. Its purpose was to avoid dirt, pests, and diseases that people got from the ground.
  • 1600 BCE


    Shoes were invented by the Mesopotamians between 1,600 and 1,200 B.C.E. They were used to stop people from getting blisters in their feet and to stop diseases from infecting people’s feet. Solved the problem of diseases infecting people through their feet.
  • 100 BCE


    Paper was invented in 100 B.C.E. in China. A government official named Ts’ai Lun was the first to start a paper making industry. It was used to write things down. It solved the problem of not having to remember everything and to keep record of things.
  • 1564


    Pencils were invented in 1564, it was invented by Conrad Gessner. Its purpose was to write on paper but did not actually contain any lead.
  • Windows

    Windows were invented in the early 1700’s. The blowing glass technique was used in the early Babylonian period. The purpose of windows are to keep pests like bugs out of homes. Windows solved the problem of keeping the house warm during the winter and cool in the summer because you could open them.
  • Blackboard

    The first blackboard was invented in 1801 by James Pillans. This invention was used to write things on the board so deaf students could see what the teacher was talking about. It solved the problem of teachers having to speak the whole class period, instead the blackboard allowed them to write it.
  • Chalk

    James Pillans is credited for inventing chalk along with the blackboard. It was invented in the early 1800’s around 1801. Its purpose was to be able to write on the blackboard.
  • Camera

    Joseph Niepce invented the first camera. Its purpose was to capture events. It solved the problem of not having to paint everything you see and so that you could have a record of what something looks like.
  • Bicycle

    The bicycle was invented by Pierre Lallement, Kirkpatrick Macmillan, Pierre Michaux, and Marius Olivier. It was used for transportation purposes. It solved the need to walk everywhere and getting to places quicker.
  • Umbrella

    The steel-ribbed umbrella was invented in 1852 by Samuel Fox. Its purpose was to keep the person who was holding dry from the rain. It solved the problem of having to get wet when going outside.
  • Radio

    The radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895 but Nikola Tesla is actually credited for inventing the radio in 1900. Its purpose was to be able to communicate with people long distances away. It solved the problem of having to wait for a telegrams.
  • Airplane

    The Wright brothers invented the airplane. Its purpose was to transport people to different places faster than cars or by foot. It solved the problem of getting to places quicker.
  • Paper Cup

    Paper Cup
    Paper cups were invented in 1907 by Lawrence Luellen. Its purpose was to be drunk out of. It solved the problem of having to share a communal cup which got people really sick.