Technology of the 1980s

  • VCR

    The VCR was the introduction to the ability to watch any movie at any time from home, becoming popular in the early 1980s. Prior to this, you would have had to wait for the movie you wanted to play on one of the few channels that existed before cable television, and even then, it would be filled with commercials. Additionally, VCRs initiated the creation of video rental stores, allowing consumers to pay just a few dollars to watch movies from home.
  • Sony Walkman

    Sony Walkman
    Very similar to the iPod that was released many years later, the Walkman was a device that allowed users to take their music with them anywhere. This cassette player was the founder of the concept that music could be portable, and pocket sized at that.
  • Apple Macintosh

    Apple Macintosh
    When the Mac, invented by Steve Jobs, was introduced, it was a revolutionary upgrade to the computers of the past. Not only did this personal computer introduce the Graphical User Interface which we now use everyday, it also paved the way for Apple’s reputation and overwhelming success and showed their ability to mass produce a device of its caliber.
  • The Clapper

    The Clapper
    The Clapper was a device that became popular in the 80s that could be considered the “smart home” device of its time. This sound-activated device allowed users to control the lighting in their homes by simply clapping their hands, and was a massive success which laid the foundation for modern smart home appliances.
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    This operating system, created by Bill Gates, has become the most popular in the world since its release in 1985. This software was utilized by many companies producing the hardware and allowed for computers to be in more homes than ever.