Technology Inventions

  • Calculator

    This has helped in solving mathematical problem, thereby saving us time
  • Mobility scooter

    Mobility scooter
    It was also invented in the 1960's. Scooter has made it easy for people with disabilities to move around and live a normal life.
  • Computer

    it was invented in the 1970's. Computer is part of life. it has made day to day operation easy.
  • Digital Camera

    Digital Camera
    The invention of the digital camera is attributed to multiple individuals and teams who made significant contributions to its development over several decades. One of the earliest digital camera prototypes was created in 1975 by Steven Sasson, an engineer working for Eastman Kodak Company. It has helped documents events and enhance communication.
  • Automated car wash

    Automated car wash
    The automated car washing machine, also known as a car wash or car wash system, was invented by Frank McCormick. but it has evolved over time. It was first invented in the 1950, but has evolved recently in the 2000's. it has reduced manual labor