Technology History Project


    Source Was developed because of the need of computing after an increase in speed of artillery. It relied heavily on vacuum tubes to preserve memory and run programs.
  • Period: to

    Computer Timespan

    The time between the first and last events

    SoruceWas the world's first high level programming language. It was used by scientists for numerically intesive programs.

    Source A cheaper alternative to other advanced programming languages, COBOL was used to help keep maintain payrolls and budgets. It was used by a lot of goverment organizations and agencies.
  • Unimate

    SourceThe first industry used robot that was made by General Motors. It was used to take die castings and performed wielding bodies and it weighed 4000 pounds.
  • The LINC

    The LINC
    LINCThe first minicomputer, preset to the PC, was sold for about 40,000 dollars each. Was mostly used for lab experiments.
  • ArpaNet

    SourceIt was computer to computer communication that was developed for the Department of Defense. It also worked with the sharing of software and packages not previously avaliable to the user.
  • Kenback-1

    Source Created by John Blankenbaker in 1971, made in his garage in Los Angles. It was considered by some as the first personal computer.
  • C

    Source C was a programming based on a earlier programming language called B. It was designed to be
    compiled using a relatively straightforward compiler, to provide low-level access to memory.
  • IBM 5150

    IBM 5150
    SourceThe was considered world's first personal computer by some people and it igniated the PC markek.
  • C++

    Source C++ was C that developed class and was turned into C++. With this addition it was able to be used for large software development.
  • Macintosh

    The first sucessful mouse driven computer with a graphic interface.Was sold for an affordable price of $2,500 at the time.
  • Bluetooth

    Source It was wireless technology made by the Swedish and was an alternative for RS-232. It is not built into billions of devices and allows them to share a multitude of things.
  • Java

    Source Java was a programming language used for controlling applications. It made digital device more functional and smarter.

    SourceMade by Honda in 2000, ASIMO was a multi-function mobile assiastant. ASIMO was also a humanoid type robot, one of many Honda had been developing since 1980, and it made a huge splash in the robotics industry.