technology for me

By apark2
  • Jan 1, 1001


    Abacus is the first thing to caculate easier. It is made in B.C2600
  • Period: Jan 1, 1001 to


  • Blaise Pascal

    A french philosopher, he invented an automatic caculator but it only can add and subtract
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

    He is a german who developed a caculator better than Pascal's caculator. It can add, subtract, multiply and devide. He is the first person who developed an automatic caculator with multiply and devide
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage is first person who developed the modern digital computer. He is also called 'grandfather of the computer'.
    He would be famous but people thought he is a crazy guy. Only some people understood his idea.
  • Ada Lovelace

    She is the first programmer of the computer. If Charles Babbage was working hard on the hardware, Ada Lovelace is working on the software.She is a mathemetician. She is one of the person who knew the importance of the Charles Babbage's idea.
  • Alan M. Turing

    Alan M. Turing
    He is the founder pf the computer science. He is a philosopher, mathematician and codebreaker. He translated many codes from Nazis
  • vaccum tube

    vaccum tube
    this is the first generation of computer
    This is big, made out of glass
    This had many problems because the computers are huge with vacuum tube
  • Mark 1

    Mark 1
    This is the first calculator
  • transister

    this is the second generation of computer.
    It is smaller, not fragile and it stays longer than the vacuum tube
  • IC

    IC is the third generation of computer
    It is bigger than transister, but it works 100 times better than transister
  • microprocessor

    Microprocessor is the 4th generation of the computer.
    It is also called CPU. Microprocessor is used for many ways.
    We use it for computers, phones, and other things.
  • 1st laptop in late 1970's

    1st laptop in late 1970's
    The first laptop is called GRID Compass 1100. This laptop has small screen, only black and has no design
  • 2nd laptop in early 1990's

    2nd laptop in early 1990's
    The laptop has bigger screen but it doesn't have any designs yet
  • 3rd laptop in 2000's

    3rd laptop in 2000's
    This laptop has only black and has no design but it has bigger screen than the before one.
  • Newest laptop

    Newest laptop
    Now the laptop is colorful and has many designs