The prime tv audience in america 1950s

Technologies in Modern Era (1940 - 1970's)

  • Microwave Oven

    Microwave Oven
    This "accidental" invention allowed for more energy efficiency at home. Instead of heating up the oven, housewives could cook smaller things in the toaster to save time and money on bills.
  • Color Television

    Color Television
    Peter Goldmark from CBS invents the first color television. The television drew families away from the kitchen and into the living room to spend time together.
  • Top Loading Automatic Washer

    Top Loading Automatic Washer
    This top loading washer helped housewives easily complete house work since no manual work was needed to clean clothes. This freed up time to spend with family.
  • Swanson TV Dinners

    Swanson TV Dinners
    The invention of the TV dinner made chores for housewives easier, offering a convenience item for dinner that allowed them to spend more time with family and doing other activities than in the kitchen cooking.
  • Self-Cleaning Oven

    Self-Cleaning Oven
    This advancement in technology allowed for housewives to spend less time cleaning their kitchen and spend more time with their families in the living room.
  • Video Game Console

    Video Game Console
    The first video game console, the Magnavox Odyssey, is invented, providing more options for leisure activities for children at home.
  • Mobile Phones Invented

    Mobile Phones Invented
    The invention of mobile phones gave more opportunities for families to be away from the home. They were able to communicate easier their whereabouts, which decreased time spent together as a family. However, it also increased efficiency of communication between family members outside of the home.
  • Invention of VHS

    Invention of VHS
    The invention of the VHS provided more options for leisure activities, bringing movies to the home. This allowed more opportunities for families to spend time together and also save money by not going out to movie theatres.
  • First Desktop Work Station

    First Desktop Work Station
    The first Desktop was invented and mass marketed to the public. The computer allowed for more efficiency at work and opened up job opportunities for women. It also was used at a home for a leisure time activity.
  • Electronic Sewing Machine

    Electronic Sewing Machine
    The electronic sewing machine made chores for housewives easier. The new machine offered more options for sewing, allowing for more decorative clothing, draperies, bedding, etc, to be made at home. This helped save families money and offered them a quick and efficient way to sew.