Tech Topics

By jheinz
  • ARPANET "Internet" was created.

    ARPANET "Internet" was created.
    In 1962, the ARPANET was created.
  • First Commercial Cellphone

    First Commercial Cellphone
    DynaTACs first cell phone
    In 1984, the first DynaTAC's phones were available for people to buy. It weighed about 0.8 kilograms, and its recharable battery was supposed to last up to eight hours.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Tim Burner's Lee In 1989, Tim Burner's Lee created the World Wide Web.
  • The original Smartphone

    The original Smartphone
    Original Smartphone
    The Simon personal communicator phone, also known as the original smartphone, was created in 1993. It weighed about 0.5 kilograms, and it was priced at $899. Only about 2,000 of these phones were made.

    NapsterNAPSTER was created by Sean Parker is 1999, so people could easily share things like music with each other.
  • Arrival of

    One of the first websites that delivered a bunch of different applications all in a simple website. was apart of the beginning of cloud computing.
  • Hybrid Car

    The U.S. was introduced to Hybid cars in July 2000. when Toyota Motor Corportation introduced the hybid Prius.
  • Text Messaging

    In October 2000, AT&T became the first U.S. cellular company to offer instant text messaging for mobile phones.
  • Wikipedia

    In January 2001, Wikipedia started an era for user generated websites/ encclopedias on the internet.
  • File Sharing

    A music sharing site let users swap music for free set the stage for a new age of file sharing.
  • GPS enabled devices

    On May 2, 2002, the United States allowed GPS signals to be used by the public. My phone has a GPS signal, so this would qualify as a innovation developed in my lifetime.
  • Amazon Web Services

    Amazon Web Services
    AmazonAmazon Web services provided lots of "cloud services" in a simple program/website. This site was another huge milestone for cloud computing.
  • First Camera Phones

    First Camera Phones
    Nokia 7650
    The first camera phones like the Nokia 7650, and the Sanyo SPC-5300, were available for consumers to purchase in 2002.
  • Friendster

    I do not personally use "Friendster", but Friendster is what strated or gave people ideas for all the other social networking sites, which I use.
  • Blackberry's First Integrated Phone

    Blackberry's First Integrated Phone
    Blackberry 6210
    The Blackberry 6210, was the first phone made by the company in 2003, that offered email, texting, web browser, and the blackberry messenger service.
  • Safari

    Safari, Apples web browser has been used since 2003.
  • Google Goes Public

    In 2004, the company sold shares to the public for the first time, making search engines a "way of life".
  • Web 2.0 Introduced

    Web 2.0 Introduced
    Web 2.0
    The "second generation" of the World Wide Web is introduced.
    Some examples are: Facebook, Edmodo, Instagram, Wikis, Blogs, ect.
  • YouTube is created

    YouTube is created
    [YouTube](http://<a href='http://' >youtube</a>
    Videosharing/viewing YouTube was created in 2005, by three gentlemen. Later in the next year Googel will take over YouTube.
  • Google Takes over YouTube

    Google Takes over YouTube
    In 2006, Google bought YouTube, YouTube was created by three gentlemen. YouTube is a plce where you can view and make your own videos.
  • Wii

    When Wii was created in 2006, it changed the way video games are played.
  • iPhone Launch

    iPhone Launch
    Apple launched their first iPhone in 2007; combing three devices into one: a mobile phone, an ipod, and a wireless comunication device.
  • IPhone

    In 2007, when Apple introduced the iPhone, it created a whole new version of smartphones.
  • IOS

    IOS is the mobile operating system Apple came up with in 2007.
  • Windows 7

    Windows 7 is an example of an operating system made by Mircosoft. It was made/started being used in August 2007.
  • Bing

    Bing went fully online on June 3, 2009.
  • Google Apps

    Google Apps
    Google AppsCloud computing hit yet another huge milestone in 2009, when tons of people began to use another cloud computing based website/program called Google Apps.
  • Kinnect

    Started a new way to play video games: without a remote.