Tech history project

  • Video games

    Video games
    [Computer history](<a href='' >Sci</a>Video games programmers write Spacewar. 43 years later 89 percent of school-age kids own video games.
  • Fortran CP 1

    Fortran CP 1
    Computer history The FORTRAN programming language is born. You had to punch holes into the paper manual.
  • Net working1

    Net working1
    Computer history AT&T designed its Dataphone, the first commercial modem, specifically for converting digital computer data to analog signals for transmission across its long distance network.

    Telstar is launched as the first "active" communications satellite,active as in amplifying and retransmitting incoming signals, rather than passively bouncing them back to Earth.
  • UNIX CP2

    UNIX CP2
    [Computer history](<a href='' >SCI</a>A group of developers at Bell Labs produce UNIX, an operating system that addressed compatibility issues. Written in the C programming language, UNIX was portable and became the operating system of choice among mainframes at large companies and government entities.
  • ARPANET- first internet

    ARPANET- first internet
    Live scienceARPANET was a Wide Area Network linking many Universities and research centers, was first to use packet switching, and was the beginning of what we consider the Internet today. The U.S department of defense made it.
  • Mircrocomputer

    [Computer history](<a href='' >SCI</a>A microcomputer is a small inexpensive computer with a microprocessor as its CPU. It includes a microprocessor, memory, and input/output.
  • Apple

    [Computer history](<a href='' >SCI</a>Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak start Apple Computers on April Fool’s Day and roll out the Apple I, the first computer with a single-circuit board.
  • Digiatl command langue

    Digiatl command langue
    [Computer history](<a href='' >SCI</a> Standard comanned langue for many operrating systems. Deveopled by MIT LABS.
  • Alice

    [Computer history](<a href='' >SCI</a>Alice is a free and open source 3D programmin environment designed to teach studnets object-oriented and event-driven programming. Developed by Caitlin Kelleher.
  • Youtube

    Computer history YouTube, a video sharing service, is founded. YouTube is a video-sharing website,
  • The Iphone

    The Iphone
    [Computer history](<a href='' >Sci</a>The iPhone brings many computer functions to the smartphone.Aplle was made by steve jobs.
  • Sctrach

    [Computer history](<a href='' >SCI</a>Developed by the MIT Media Lab. Strach is a visual programming languse for childern age 6 and up.
  • Robotic brid makes first flight.

    Robotic brid makes first flight.
    RobotA micro-aircraft with feathered, morphing wings showed off its stuff yesterday when the bird-like craft lifted off for its first flight. And its landing was just as dramatic: The RoboSwift crashed into a tree.