
By angus.c
  • Robots

    The first “programmable” mechanism, a paint-sprayer, was designed by Willard Pollard and Harold Roselund
  • robot

    George Devol patented a general purpose playback device for controlling machines using magnetic recordings.
  • robot

    George Devol designed the first truly programmable robot and called it UNIMATE for "Universal Automation."
  • robots

    History changed on October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I. The world's first autonomous, artificial satellite
  • robots

    Ichiro Kato created WABOT I which was the first full-scale anthropomorphic robot in the world.
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    The first HelpMate service robot went to work at Danbury Hospital in Connecticut.
  • robot

    Aquarobot, a walking robot for underwater use, was created at the Robotics Laboratory at the Ministry of Transport in Japan
  • robot

    Honda created the P2, which was the first major step in creating their ASIMO. The P2 was the first self-regulating, bipedal humanoid robot.
  • robot

    NASA's PathFinder landed on Mars. The wheeled robotic rover sent images and data about Mars back to Earth.
  • robot

    Personal Robots released the Cye robot. It performed a variety of household chores, such as delivering mail, carrying dishes, and vacuuming.