
Tariffs in US History

  • Tariff of 1789

    Tariff of 1789
    All imports taxed at a 5-15% rate
    This was part of Hamilton's financial plan
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    Andrew Jackson's Presidency

  • Tariff of 1828

    Also known as the "Tariff of Abominations." Vice-President John Calhoun penned the "SC Exposition" protesting the high tariff and urging South Carolina to nullify the law.
  • Tariff of 1832

    Tariff of 1832
    This tariff lowered the previous tariff by 10%, but it still made Southerners unhappy. Nullies met in South Carolina and decided to nullify the law. President Jackson sent troops to the state, but ultimiately cooler heads prevailed.
  • Tariff of 1833

    Tariff of 1833
    Compromise tariff created by Henry Clay that lowered rates and prevented any bloodshed between the nullies in SC and President Jackson.
  • Tariff of 1842

    Tariff of 1842
    Known as the "Black Tariff," it was passed by the Whigs and was quite high. President Tyler signed it into law.
  • Walker Tariff of 1846

    Walker Tariff of 1846
    Known as the Walker tariff, it cut rates 25-35%. It was passed during Polk's administration by his secretary of treasury, Robert Walker
  • Tariff of 1857

    Tariff of 1857
    Low tariff passed primarily by Democrats
  • Morrill Tariff

    Morrill Tariff
    Raised rates significatly; source of income during the Civil War Signed into law by President Buchanan
  • Period: to

    American Civil War

  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • McKinley Tariff

    McKinley Tariff
    The tariff was championed by William McKinley who was a congressman. It was hated by populists, and historians believe that it helped contribute to the tariff of 1893.
  • Wilson-Gorman Tariff

    Wilson-Gorman Tariff
    The tariff lowered rates slightly from the McKinley tariff. It was not, however, the tariff reform that many Democrats wanted. It also put the first peacetime income tax in effect, but this was later struck down by the Supreme Court. It was passed under President Cleveland even though he had campaigned on lower tariffs.
  • Dingley Tariff

    Dingley Tariff
    High tariff supported by McKinley administration and supported only by Republicans
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    Progressive Era

    Progrssive era
  • Payne-Aldrich Tariff

    Payne-Aldrich Tariff
    Passed under President Taft, it was a compromise act. It raised duties on some items and lowered on others. This caused the progressives to no longer support President Taft.
  • Underwood Simmons Tariff

    Underwood Simmons Tariff
    This was the lower tariff promised by President Wilson. It symbolized his committment to the progrssive agenda
  • Fordney McCumber Tariff

    Fordney McCumber Tariff
    Tariff raised- this reflected the isoliationist sentiment of America after WW I.
  • Smoot-Hawley tariff

    Smoot-Hawley tariff
    Second highest tariff in history; many believe that it helped contribute to the severity of the Great Depression