Tanya's electronic timeline

  • Period: to

    The Mp3 Player

    This was a 2007 MP3 player that i got as a Christmas gift...it was my dream to have one, once i got it i downloaded a tone of music..
  • TV

    When my parents first hooked up our Box TV it had no cable and all i watched was the channel 7 Pbskids. It was great!
  • TV Box/Cable

    TV Box/Cable
    About a year after we got our TV my parents tried out cable and it was so much more classier and way better than watching a few channels every day.....my top channel was Disney.
  • Phone

    After using a home phone for the longest time both my mom and dad got flip phones which is really old fashioned but they kept them looking fresh and shiny for a while.
  • Ipod Touch

    Ipod Touch
    The next big thing was an Apple iPod touch.... it was much different than the MP3 player or the flip phones that my parents had, it was very knew and something that all the teens wanted, it was also similar to the iPhone 4 that came out a little earlier.
  • I phone 5

    I phone 5
    A little after i got my iPod touch my families phone plan ended and they wanted to try something knew so they both got the 2012 IPhone 5.
  • Wifi

    Having an iPhone and an iPod without data was useless so instead of paying extra bills for cellular data we decided to get the WiFi box router.
  • Lap Top

    Lap Top
    Starting college my older sister needed some type of work machine to help her get through classes so our family got our first Hp lap top.
  • Improved TV

    Improved TV
    After our old Box TV had major issues and broke down we decided to get a new satellite TV... we had it connected to our wife so it gave us the free YouTube channel along with cable and Netflix.
  • Ipad

    Apart from everyone else being super big and bright, there came the ipad mini..we consider it other computer just one that you can carry in your bag.... we got three ipads that year.
  • I Phone 6+

    I Phone 6+
    My sister and i both went shopping for the iPhone 6+ expecting it to be the best toy...honestly, it is... my phone is always with me anywhere i go, i keep all my dates and notes in it along with anything i can possibly fit in it like homework and online books.