TaCoriah Barnett World War ll Timeline

  • Japanese Invasion of China

    Japanese Invasion of China
    The Japan-China War started on July 7, 1937. The Japanese claimed that the Chinese troops fired at them at the Marco Polo Bridge near Beijing. As an excuse, the Japanese launched a invasion on China. Chinese forces were unable to resist the Japanese. The Japanese army were not only armed and organized, they were also brutal.
  • Germany's Invasion of Poland

    Germany's Invasion of Poland
    The German troops invaded along its 1,750 mile border with German-controlled territory. The German Luftwaffe bombed Polish airfields. German warships and U-boats attacked Polish naval forces in the Baltic Sea.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg
    Blitzkrieg is a military tactic also known as Lightning War. Blitzkrieg tactics required offensives weapons, such as tanks, planes, and artillery. Germany successfully used the Blitzkrieg tactic against Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Yogoslavia, and Greece.
  • Fall of Paris

    Fall of Paris
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Operation Barbarossa was the largest militarty operation in history. It involved more than 3 million Axis troops and 3,500 tanks. Some 4.5 million troops launched a surprise attacked deployed from German-controlled Poland, Finland, and Romania.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Hundreds of Japanese fighter planes attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor near Honolulu, Hawaii. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise, but Japan and the United States had been edging toward war for decades.
  • Wannsee Confrence

    Wannsee Confrence
    Heydrich met with Adolf Eichmann, and 15 other officials from various Nazi ministries and organizations at Wannsee, a suburb of Berlin. The agenda was to devise a plan that would render a “final solution to the Jewish question” in Europe.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
  • Operation Gomorrah

    Operation Gomorrah
  • D-Day (Normandy Invasion)

  • Operation Thunderclap

    Operation Thunderclap
  • Battle of Iow Jima

    Battle of Iow Jima
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
  • VE Day

    VE Day
  • Liberation of Concentration Camps

    Liberation of Concentration Camps
  • Potsdam Declaration

    Potsdam Declaration
  • Dropping of Atomic Bombs

    Dropping of Atomic Bombs
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day