Civil war

Steps to the Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was a attempt to prevent the expansion of slavery into the new territory of the Louisiana Purchase. As a result, slavery was restricted above the 36/30 line, while everything south consisted of slave states. This compromise only served as temporary solution to the disagreements about slavery.
  • Mexican war

    Mexican war
    President James K. Polk, overcome by manifest distiny, wanted take California, New Mexico, and part of Texas. Mexico's unwillingness to sell drove Polk to declare war, and once these new territories were conquered the question of slavery arose once again. The north believed the war was an attempt for the south to aquire mor slave territroy and were proven right when Polk signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo; which provided new territory south of the 36/30 line to become slave territories.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The discovery of gold nuggets in the Sacramento Valley in early 1848 sparked the Gold Rush, arguably one of the most significant events to shape American history during the first half of the 19th century. As news spread, thousands of prospective gold miners traveled by sea or over land to San Francisco and the surrounding area; by the end of 1849, the non-native population of the California territory was some 100,000 (compared with the pre-1848 figure of less than 1,000).
  • Wilmot's Proviso

    Wilmot's Proviso
    Congressman David Wilmot proposed a law to ban slavery in all of the territory aquired from Mexico. Wilmot's Proviso, however, was blocked by southern senators who feared that as soon as Northeners gained control of the Senate slavery would be abolished, and with it their way of life.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 allowed southern slave owners to recapture their run-away slaves in the North as well as imposed fines for hiding fugitive slaves. The new law denied a trial by jury to any suspected fugitive slave and a bribe of 10 dollars was issued for "confirming" someone was a fugitive slave. Panic struck and many blacks (not just slaves) fled to safety in Canada. Northern abolitionists were outraged due to the lack of legal rights for African Americans.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Divisions over slavery in territory gained in the Mexican-American (1846-48). War were resolved in the Compromise of 1850. It consisted of laws admitting California as a free state, creating Utah and New Mexico territories with the question of slavery in each to be determined by popular sovereignty, settling a Texas-New Mexico boundary dispute in the former’s favor, ending the slave trade in Washington, D.C., and making it easier for southerners to recover fugitive slaves.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    "Uncle Tom's Cabin", written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, was an anti-slavery novel which revealed the true horrors and evils of slavery to the North. The South claimed it was an unfair depiction of slavery; however, that did not stop the growing number of abolitionists in the North.
  • Kansas- Nebraska Act

    Senator Douglas agreed to divide the Nebrask region into 2 territories: Nabraska and Kansas. From there the Kansas Nebraska Act was brought to attention and introduced the idea of popular sovereignty. The Missouri Compromise was repealed and the settler of the territories would decide for themselves to remain free or not. This decisoin divided both the democrat and whig parties, causing the formation of the Republican party.
  • Republlican Party Forms

    Furry over "Bleeding Kansas" led to the birth of the Republican party in 1855 in Ripon Wisconsin. The Republican party mainly consisted of notherners, whos main concern was the limit the spread of slavery in all territories. This estranged the north and south even more.
  • Charles Sumner caned in the Senate

    Congressman Preston Brooks of South Carolina beat Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts with his cane after Sumner gave a speach against slavery. Rather than showing remorse for the actions of their congressman, the South glorified Brooks' actions. Northerners were both disgusted and outraged. These were their most civilized leaders and this even spread uncertainty through out the U.S.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Many murders took place in Kansas (Bleeding Kansas) when Border Ruffians (pro-slavery Missourians) crossed the border in an attempt to discourage northeners for voting for a free state. The idea of white people being killed over slavery brought to light the severity of the issue.
  • Dred Scott

    In 1857 the Supreme Court made a ruling that nullified the Missouri Compromise and the Kansas-Nebraska Act. This affirmed the North's fear that slave owners would try anything to legalize slavery everywhere.
  • John Brown’s Raid at Harper’s Ferry

    John Brown (a white Northener) attempted a slave revolt at Harpers Ferry but failed. This confirmed the South's beliefs that the Northeners would gladly help Southern slaves revolt against their masters. This led the South to believe they could no longer live safely in the Union.
  • Abraham Lincoln elected President

    In the 1860 presidential election Abraham Lincoln was running for the Republican party while Breckinridge was running as a Democrat. The northern population led to the domination of the Republican party, leavin Lincoln as president. This struck fear in the South because the country was now being run by men against slavery. The South felt they had 2 choices; either leave the Union or be striped of their institution.
  • Southern states begin to secede

    All the southern states were fed up and Lincoln getting elected was the breaking point. South Carolina was the first to leave the Union and form a new nation called the Confederate States of America. Four months later, six other states seceded. They were Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Louisiana. Later Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee joined them.
  • Battle at Fort Sumter

    President Lincoln sent 4 ships to resupply Fort Sumter, and let it be known that if the South tried to prevent it the North would attack. The South feard beign viewd as cowards for freely allowing the Union to run the fort and bombarded Fort Sumter for 2 days. This opened hostilities between North and South, and Lincoln called for volunteers, which made it clear he was prepared to fight to keep the South in the Union.