Erickson's Timeline Real World Examples.

By Sfgray
  • Trust vs MisTrust

    Sam and John have been married for a year now. They recently welcomed a beautiful girl named Ashliegh who does well around her parents. However she does not react the same with others especially new babysitters and guardians.
    In Erickson's first stage, trust vs mistrust, the crisis is the outcome that Ashleigh develop a sense of trust towards her parents who provide on call reliability, care and affection and a lack of these leads to mistrust with anyone she is not familiar with.
  • Autonomy Vs Shame/Doubt

    Ashleigh is now 2 years old and loves picking out her own outfits and often times tries to dress herself before her mom gets in the room. She is also now more selective of the food she wants to eat.
    In Erickson's second stage of Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt the crisis is between her trying to take control of her environment (autonomy) and if denied the opportunity to act on her environment, she may begin to doubt her abilities which could lead to the feeling of shame.
  • Identity vs Role Confusion

    Ashleigh has stared hanging with a group emo's after school who decided that they were all going to get tattoos and piercings. She agreed to do it but she needs to ask her parents, to which they said no and said she would regret in later on in her life if she actually goes through with it. In Ericksons fifth stage of Identity vs. Role Confusion the crisis is between Ashleigh doing the things she wants to do and whaat she identifies with and being influence by the choices of her parents.