512hup toml. sx329 bo1,204,203,200

Stamped - Eric WU

  • 1415

    Prince Henry's Caper

    Prince Henry's goal was to "capture the main Muslim trading depot [in] Morocco" (22).
  • Period: 1415 to

    History of Racism and Antiracism

  • 1450

    The World's First Racist

    According to Kendi and Reynolds, "Zurara was the first person to write about and defend Black human ownership" (25).
  • 1526

    First Known African Racist

    Johannes Leo, also known Leo Africanus, "echoed Zurara's sentiments of Africans, his own people [and called them...] hypersexual savages" (26-7).
  • 1577

    Curse Theory

    In Chapter 2 of "Stamped," Reynolds explains that "English travel writer George Best determined [...] that Africans were, in fact, cursed" (30).
  • Jamestown's First Slaves

    A Latin American ship was seized by pirates and "twenty Angolans [on board were sold to] the governor of Virginia"(36).
  • Richard Mather's Arrival

    Richard Mather was a Puritan who came to America to practice a "more disciplined and rigid" (32) form of Christianity.
  • Cotton Mather is Born

    "Increase and Maria have a son. February 12, 1663. They name him after both families." Richard married his companion then he diced to name his daughter after both family's
  • "Voluntary" Slaves

    According to Richard Baxter, some "Africans [...] wanted to be slaves so that they could be baptized" (39).
  • Creation of White Privileges

    In response to Nathaniel Bacon's uprising, local government decided to give "all Whites [...] absolute power to abuse any African person" (45).
  • First Antiracist Writing in the Colonies

    The Mennonites were against slavery because they "equat[ed]" (41) discrimination based on skin color to discrimination based on religion.
  • The Witch Hunt Begins!

    "the Salem witch hunt made the Black face the face of criminality." Cotton Mather decide to write a book about witch craft to distract the enemies but the enemies believed it.
  • First Great Awakening

    Look for evidence on pg. 53.
  • American Philosophical Society (APS)

    Benjamin Franklin created "a club for smart (White) people" (57) to discuss ideas and philosophy.
  • The (American) Enlightenment

    In the mid-1700's, "new America entered what we now call the Enlightenment Era" (56).
  • Phyllis Wheatley's Test

    Wheatley "proved herself [as intelligent and] human" (60) by passing a test given by some of the smartest men in the country at the time.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of independence was signed by Thomas Jefferson and it states that all men is equal.
  • The Three Fifths Compromise

    Since the population was growing bigger and bigger the sate decide that there shall be two state senators per state to represent the. Since the north have less slave so they made that every 5 slaves is 3 human for the south.
  • The Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian slaves had enough of the French rules they decide to do something that the French have no seen before. Their resolved won and the Hattians became the symbol of freedom. Many states after the resolved started to aware their slaves.
  • (Possibly) North America's Biggest Uprising

    Pg. 80
  • Jefferson's Slave Trade Act

    Pg. 82-3
  • The Missouri Compromise

    Pg. 86-7