
Special Education Throughout The Ages

By keyjess
  • Brown V. Board

    Brown V. Board
    This happened in June of 1950 when schools wanted to end segrateaion and become equal. That wasn't being passed by the courts. In the year of 1955 in May on the 31st, they ended desegrtation in schools. http://www.uscourts.gov/educational-resources/educational-activities/history-brown-v-board-education-re-enactment
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  • PARC V. Commonwealth

    PARC V. Commonwealth
    This happened in Pennsylvania, to sue the commonwealth for not allowing all children the equal right to education. This was the first challenge to all laws about excluding students with disabilities. This case may have not peeked higher then district level, in time the U.S. District Court Judge Masterson, decided to promote equal education to all.
  • Congressional Investigation

    Congressional Investigation
    After Parc and Mills, congress started an investigation and discovered there were a lot of children with disabilities who were not receiving the proper education. Because of congress seeing this, they wanted to reach out and help out families who can't speak for themselves because of the troubles they have faced in the past. In 1972 legislation was introduced into congress.

  • Rehabilitation Act

    Rehabilitation Act
    In the text of the 502 it states the access board will be able to determine the transportation of individuals with disabilities. Also to help with the housing, to help them achieve their goals in living or transportation.
  • Education for all Handicapped Children Act

    Education for all Handicapped Children Act
    This act was created so that children with disabilites could eat a meal for free and recieve an access to education. This was also established so that parents could voice their opinion if their child was not receiving the help they needed.
  • IDEA

    IDEA insures that all students have an equal right to education, schools have to also provide special education in the least restrictive environment. Also means schools need to teach students in a general education classroom just like their peers. Under IDEA the student also has an IEP which determines the students goal. https://www.understood.org/en/school-learning/your-childs-rights/basics-about-childs-rights/how-idea-protects-you-and-your-child
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    This became law in 1990, this prohibits against discrimination of people with disabilities. This law was also created so that people with disabilities are treated the same regardless of race, religion, miniority. ADA is also broken up into 5 titles: employment, stateand local government, public accommodations, telecommunications, miscellaneous provisions.
  • Reauthorization of the Rehabilitation Act

    Reauthorization of the Rehabilitation Act
    The section of 508 was strengthened so that students with disabilities can use technology. Also to have federal agencies provide the proper use for the students and what they need to use.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    George W. Bush was in congress when no chidl left behind was started and his name is on the law. It was holding schools responsbile for all of the students academic progress. It also helped schools boost certain groups of students who needed extra help becasue their averages were not the same as theri fellow peers.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
    This took place in 2004 and President Bush said that this will help children learn better by encouraging their learning, gaining more parent involvement, and also using practices.

  • Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act
    This law made significant changes to the term we call disability. This all applys to the title same as ADA with the defition of "disability".