Special Education Law & Major Events 1954-2019

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    Special Education Law & Major Events 1954-2019

  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    This court case overturned the court case of Plessy vs. Ferguson , this court really brought the attention to not only black vs. white in schools but also made an emphasis on Special need students and normal students.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    The ESSEA gave grants to state schools and institutions that put into place programs to educate students with disabilities.
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retarted Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania Association for Retarted Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania side with students with intellectual and learning disabilities in state run institutions PARC v. Penn called for students with disabilities to be placed in funded school settings that met educational needs based on proper and thorough evaluation.
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

    This law protects the discrimination against any special needs and disabilities. This was one of the first laws that gave protection to students with special needs.
  • Education for all Handicapped Children Act.

    This law provided that schools must provide same opportunities for students with special needs. It also required for public school to give one free meal to students.
  • Board of Education of HHCD v. Rowley

    This case designed the Rowley Two Part test in determining whether FAPE is being met according to student IEP . This allowed for a child to receive educational benefit.
  • ADA

    The American Disabilities Act was signed by president Bush. This stated that all Special needs had the same rights in school and work as well as transportation and could not be discriminated.
  • IDEA

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This law included six pillars: FAPE, LRE, IEP, evaluation , parent/student participation and procedural safeguards for all. This law includes four sections in AD.
  • NCLB

    The No Child Left Behind Act was signed by president Bush. This had schools report to the AYP. This act was designed to ensure that all students were meeting the same requirements by a certain point.
  • IDEA Reauthorized

    The IDEA Reauthorized made a few changes to the IEP, due process, and student discipline.