Special Education Law

  • All States Have Publically Funded Institutions

    My the mid-1950's all states had state run institutions that were more about housing people than educationg them. These were custodial institutions without a goal of transition into the general population.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    LAndmark Supreme Court Decision that ended racial segregation in schools. Used to support integrated classrooms for those with disabilities
  • John F. Kennedy inagurated as President of the United States

    John F. Kennedy inagurated as President of the United States
  • Report of the President's Panel on Mental Retardation

    This report provided proof tothe concerns of professionals. It also soguht to change the programs, support and attitudes of the institutions and those that worked in them.
  • Kennedy creates the President's Panel on Mental Retardation

    This panel resommendations are the foundation for Maternal and Child Health and Mental Retardation Planning Amendments of 1963 and the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

    ESEA was one of largest federal legistlations as part of LBJ's "War on Poverty". It funded programs to education the "economically disadvantaged" which included students with disabilities.
  • Christmas in Purgatory

    Burton Blatt and Fred Caplan toured 5 institutions and took undercover photographs of the horrific conditions in the institutions.
  • Hobson v. Hansen

    Extended desegregation of just physical exclusion. Eleminated biased and discriminitory tracking systems in public schools which creted segregated classrooms.
  • Diana v. State Board of Education

    dressed the use of biased iq tests to place minority students into special education classes
  • Education of the Handicapped Act of 1970

    Consolidated all the grant funds from the standing grant programs
  • American Association on Mental Deficiency Report

    National study of 134 public institutions. Showed that improvements still needed to be made and no significant chagnes had been made since the discovery of the conditions.
  • Wyatt v. Stickney

    asserted the constiutional rights of those who had been involuntarily institutaionlized
  • The Delcaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons

    Statement of rights for those with intellectual and physical disabilities proclaimed byt he United Nations General Assembly.
  • PARC v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    Decision that guaranteed children with disabilities a right to an education. Also determined that school should not focus solely on academics but also how to handle situations and environments.
  • Mills v. Board of Education of the Disctrict of Colombia

    Ensured that students could not be excluded from their education due to school policy. (expulsion, suspension etc.) Extended the right to special education
  • Larry P. v. Riles

    A case with decision in 72, 74, 79 and 84 determiend that iq tests were culturally biased and placed an inflated amount of african american students in special education classes. The court direct the state of California to retest all students in special education programs.
  • Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    This is the act referred to when teachers say a student has a "504 plan". This is the first piece of civil rights legistlation directly providing/protecting the services for people with disabilities.
  • Education of the Handicapped Amendments of 1974

    These amendments solidfied the requirements of state plans. Also created safeguards int eh referral and labeling of students.
  • Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 1975

    Expanded upon an act in 1963 to include a more functional definition of a disability and developed state plans for deinstitutionalization,
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975

    This act combined a bill of rights for children with diabilities. It increased the amount of students getting services. The core of the Act was that ALL students no matter the severity of the disability has a right to a free public education. Initiated many common practices used today, such as LRE, parental participation, IEPs etc.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Ensured that all schools receiving federal money gave children with disabilities a free education plus one meal. Shools had to create education plans for students with parent input.
  • Halderman v. Pennhurst State School

    similar to Wyatt v. Stickney it is a "Right to Treatment" case
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990

    commonly refered to as IDEA, this act changed the name of the EAHCA to reflect "people first" language. It also extended servies to students up to age 21.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1991

    Reauthorized the early intervention program and added a transition to general preschool aspect.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997

    These amendments protect students with disabiltiies who are violent will making it possible to adjust the student's educaitonal placement. It also was set to increase parental participation.
  • No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

    NCLB contains 10 sections: changes funding for basic programs such as reading instruction, creating "high-quality" teachers, language instruciton for limited English students, create "21st-Century Schools", ability for schools to focus on local problems, parental choice, Native Americans education programs, parents living on federal property.
    Focuses mostly on the "achievement gap"
  • Individuals with Disabilities Educaiton Improvement Act of 2004

    Changed procedural safeguards, ensured that all SPED teachers be highly qualified and created the definition, revised state performance goals. Shifted from compliance with proceudres to checking for student performance.
  • Rosa's Law

    Removed the words "mentally retarded" and "mental retardation" from federal policies and replaces it with people first language