Special Education Landmark Court Case's Timeline

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    Mills Vs. Board of Education

    The Board of Education for the District of Columbia denied access to students with behavior problems and learning disabilities. The school board stated they didn't have the funds or the resources to educate the students.The courts ruled in Mill's favor stating that funding can’t be used to deny education services. This paved the way for due process of students right as well as schools could not violate the 14 amendment rights of students with disabilities.
  • Mills Vs. Board of Education

    This case essentially brought about IDEA. It established the right to due process to ensure a free appropriate education for all students with disabilities.
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retired Children V. Common Death of Pennsylvania

    In this case Pennsylvania didn't provide adequate education for students with disabilities. Pennsylvania Association for Retarted Children issued a decree, stating all children have the right to a free education regardless of their disabilities. PPARC won their lawsuit. The Dept. of Ed used this case to issue federal mandates that all children with or without disabilities have access to education. This was the start for change in changing the way education educated students with disabilities.
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retired Children Vs. Common Death of Pennsylvania

    This court case along with the Mills case was the start of the creation IDEA. The case ruling ensured all students with disabilities would be educated at no charge to the parents. It ensured a free appropriate education with students with disabilities.
  • Honig Vs. Doe

    Two emotional disturbed students were expelled for their behavior. The student’s behavior was a direct result of their disability. The court ruled that these students could not be expelled because it was part of their disability. If the behavior was not part of the disability then education services could stop. This case insures manifestation determination, due process, and FAPE is happening before making determinations.
  • Honig Vs. Doe

    This case ensured that a student could not be removed from school if the inappropriate he savior is a direct result of their disability. It created a rule where a student could only be suspended without parent consent or the courts consent for 10 days. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koh5PiiK8qM
  • References

    Mead, J. F. (n.d.). Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia. Retrieved February 23, 2020, from http://www.usedulaw.com/438-mills-v-board-of-education-of-the-district-of-columbia.html
    Steketee, A. M. (n.d.). Honig v. Doe. Retrieved February 23, 2020, from http://usedulaw.com/336-honig-v-doe.html
    Li, L. (2013, December 06). PARC v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Mills v. Board of Education, DC. Retrieved from https://rootedinrights.org/15321-revision-v1/