Space Race

  • Launching of Sputnik 1

    Launching of Sputnik 1
    The Soviot Union successfully launched Sputnik 1. The worlds first artificial satalite was the size of a beach ball, weighed 183.9 points and took about 98 minutes to orbit the earth.
  • Period: to

    Launching of Sputnik 1-Apollo 17

  • Explorer 1 is launched

    Explorer 1 is launched
    Explorer 1 carried scientific equipment that lead to the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belt.
  • Sputnik 3 is launched.

    Sputnik 3 is launched.
    was a cone-shaped satellite 1.74 meters in diameter. A research satellite to explore the upper atmosphere, and the near space
  • Pioneer one is launched.

    Pioneer one is launched.
    first air craft launched by NASA. The Flight was the second and most successful of the three Thor-Able spca probes
  • Luna 1 is launched.

    Luna 1 is launched.
    It is the first man made object to orbit the sun. the first spacecraft to reach the vicinity of the Moon
  • Tiros 1 is launched.

    Tiros 1 is launched.
    Tiros 1 was the first successful weather satellite launched into space.
  • Yuri Gagarin orbits the Earth once.

    Yuri Gagarin orbits the Earth once.
    He was the first man in space
  • Alan B. Shepard is the first American in space.

    Alan B. Shepard is the first American in space.
    He also commanded the apollo 14 mission and became the 5th person to walk on the moon.
  • John Glenn orbits the Earth three times.

    John Glenn orbits the Earth three times.
    First american to orbit the Earth and third American to be in space.
  • Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova is the first woman in space.

    Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova is the first woman in space.
    she was selected to pilot Vostok 6 on the 16th of June 1963.
  • Ranger 7 transmits the first close range images of the Moon.

    Ranger 7 transmits the first close range images of the Moon.
    was the first US space probe to successfully transmit close images of the lunar surface back to Earth
  • Luna 9 is first spacecraft to achieve a soft landing

  • Apollo 17

    Apollo 17
    was the eleventh and final manned mission in the American Apollo space program.