Milky galaxy

space explorations

  • first rocket to space

    first rocket to space
    v-2 was the first rocket into outer space. it was not intentional. the rocket was a missil and it was supposed to go to london.but it went to outer space.
  • first space research flight

    first space research flight
    using a rebuilt v-2 the U.S launched a rocket in new mexico, it reached an altitude of 70 miles.
  • first u.s rocket to reach the egde of space

    first u.s rocket to reach the egde of space
    the U.S made their own rocket named Wac Corporal.Wac Corporal was the first to reach the egde of space.with an altitude of 50 miles. it was launched at new mexico.
  • first animals in space (fruit flies)

    first animals in space (fruit flies)
    suprise fruit flies were the first animals in space. another v-2 was launced this time with fruit flies, rye seeds, and cotton seeds. put in several vials. the rocket reached an altitude of 60 miles, and later when the rocket comes back the vials arive successfully.
  • First Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

    First Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
    the ballistic missile was named R-7 Semyorka. it traveled the distance of 6000 km (3728 miles). modifed version will be used to launch the world's first artificial satellite,
  • first artificial satellite,

     first artificial satellite,
    the world's first artificial satellite was named Sputnik 1. it was made by the Soviet was the size of a beach ball. it weighs 184 pounds (84 kilograms) and takes 98 minutes to orbit Earth.
  • first live animal in space

    first live animal in space
    the first live animal into space was Laika a dog she was sent to space after the soviet unions successful mission with the fruit test. she was sent in a pressurized containerinside the rocket. she lived for 8 days (until the food supply ran out) showing animals could survive in space.
  • First American Satellite

    First American Satellite
    America launched it first satellite named explorer 1. it was launched by the Army on a Jupiter-C rocket. it was only 30 pounds.The satellite contained several scientific instruments which discoverd the radiation belts surrounding the Earth.
  • First Spacecraft to Impact on the Moon

    First Spacecraft to Impact on the Moon
    the Russian made a satellite named Luna 2.Luna 2 was launched and it became the first man made object to impact on the moon. Luna 2 was sterilized to avoid contaminating the Moon with terrestrial bacteria.
  • Nasa ia born

    Nasa ia born
    Nasa's was finally founded. nasa stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. it toke the responsibilities of the existing National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics.
  • first spacecraft to orbit

    first spacecraft to orbit
    the russians launched a satellite named Luna . they were hping to get it to land on the moon but instead was flung in to space by hte moons gravity. it was the first man made object to orbit the sun
  • first spacecraft to Impact on the Moon

    first spacecraft to Impact on the Moon
    there was a Russian satellite named Luna 2. they launched Luna 2 and it be came the first man made object to impact the moon. Luna 2 was sterilized to avoid contaminating the Moon with terrestrial bacteria.
  • first view of the mooons far side

    first view of the mooons far side
    the Russian again launched another satellite named Luna 3. Luna 3 orbited the moon and photographed 70% of the moons far side.
  • first weather Satellite

    first weather Satellite
    the U.S launched the first successful weather satellite named Tiros 1.Tiros 1 was built with Two television cameras so that it could return views of clouds above the Earth.Tiros 1 only survived for 78 days but it showed that satellite's could be a useful tool for surveying weather conditions from space.
  • first man in space

    first man in space
    Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin was the first human into space.The Vostok 1 was the spacecraft carring Yuri. it orbited around Earth in 108 minutes, and reached altitudes of 112 to 203 miles. The flight lasted only one hour and 48 minutes.
  • First American in Space

    First American in Space
    Astronaut Alan Shepard was the first american in space.the flight lasted only15-minutes. he felt weightlessness for 5 which he tested the maneuvering capability of his Mercury capsule.
  • first American in Orbit

    first American in Orbit
    Astronaut John H. Glenn was launched into orbit on an Atlas D rocket.he was the first American to orbit the Earth.he made 3 total orbit's. the flight time was 4 hours and 56 minutes
  • first space walk

    first space walk
    Commander Pavel I. Belyayeu and Pilot Alexei A. Leonov were launched on Voskhod 2. Alexei was the first to perform a space walk.he walked outside of his spacecraft while it was orbiting Earth.the travel lasted about 12 min.
  • first close up on mars

    first close up on mars
    Mariner 4 was sent out to mars and got a close up of mars. it gave scientists their first views of the planet at close range. the photos showed no sign of life on mars.
  • first spacecraft on the moon

    first spacecraft on the moon
    the Russians have done it again. a spacecraft named Luna 9 finished a 250,000 mile trip to the moon . it became the first spacecraft on the moon. luna 9 took pictures of the moon's surface back to earth. the mission told us that the moon's surface was stronge enough to support the weight of a large spacecraft.
  • first American spacecraft on the moon

    first American spacecraft on the moon
    the U.S launched a spacecraft named Surveyor 1. it became the first american spacecraft on the moon. it took 63 hours and 36 min for Surveyor 1 to get to the moon. it made a soft-landing 9 miles away from it's target, the oceanus procellarum. the spacecraft transmitted more then 11,000 high-resolution photographs before its energy sources were depleted.
  • first venus probe

    first venus probe
    the soviet probe Venera 4 sent a descent capsul into venus's atmosphere. it returned data about its composition.
  • first moon orbit

    first moon orbit
    The Soviet Zond 5 is launched and becomes the first spacecraft to orbit the moon and return.
  • first manned moon orbit

    first manned moon orbit
    apollo 8 ia launched. inside is Frank Borman, James A. Lovell, Jr. and William A. Anders. the first apollo to use the Saturn V rocket. and the first manned spacecraft to orbit the moon. it made 10 orbits in a 6 day mission
  • first men on the moon

    first men on the moon
    apollo 11 was launched with Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, Jr. apollo landed on the moon making Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, Jr. the first men on the moon
  • first lunar soil

    first lunar soil
    the Soviet Luna 16 is launched, conducting the first successful return of lunar soil samples by an automatic spacecraft.
  • first robat on moon

    first robat on moon
    luna 17 is launched with an automatic robot named Lunokhod 1. it was driven by 5 men on earth. it moved on the moon for 11 lunar days (322 earth days) while there he took 20,000 TV images and 206 high-resolution panoramas in addition to performing a host of experiments including soil analysis.
  • first lunar rover mission

    first lunar rover mission
    apollo 15 was carrieing astronauts David Scott and James Irwin. who drove the frist moon rover while exploring the moons surface.The next year, Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt drives a similar rover.
  • first spacecraft to orbit anothere planet

    first spacecraft to orbit anothere planet
    American space probe Mariner 9 (launched May 30, 1971) is the first spacecraft to orbit another planet, Mars. Over the next year, it maps 100 percent of the Martian surface.
  • first black Hole Candidate

    Astronomers designate Cignus X-1 as the first probable black hole This binary star system emits strong bursts as X-rays as matter is crushed out of existence by the black hole.