
space exploration

  • the first spotting of the moon throught a telescope by Galileo Galilei

    the first spotting of the moon throught a telescope by Galileo Galilei
  • First animal launcehed into space (fruit flie) by the US

    First animal launcehed into space (fruit flie) by the US
  • First animal launched into orbit,Dog named laika launched by the ussr and did not return alive

    First animal launched into orbit,Dog named laika launched by the ussr and did not return alive
  • First plants and animal that came back alive from earths orbit

    First plants and animal that came back alive from earths orbit
  • first woman in space by ussr

    first woman in space by ussr
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
  • first reusable manned spacecraft

    first reusable manned spacecraft
  • First picture of the whole solor system

    First picture of the whole solor system