Space Events

By crios
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    Russians were the first to launch the first artificial satellite. It was the size of a basketball and weighed 183 pounds. It took about 98 minutes to orbit the Earth.
  • Sputnik 2

    Sputnik 2
    The Russians launched Sputnik 2 November 3rd 1957 with the first dog to be launched. The dogs name was Laika. Laika was up there for 7 days.
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    Explorer 1 was the first US satellite to be sent. It was sent January 31, 1958. It discovered the Earth’s radiation belt.
  • Luna 1

    Luna 1
    Luna 1 was launched by the USSR in January 2, 1959. It was the first spacecraft to reach the moon and the first man- made spacecraft to orbit the sun.
  • Tiros 1

    Tiros 1
    It was the first successful weather satellite and it was sent April 1, 1960. It was sent by the United States.
  • Discoverer XIV

    Discoverer XIV
    The Discoverer XIV was launched August 18, 1960 and it was sent by the United States. It was a Corona spy satellite.
  • Vostok 1

    Vostok 1
    It was launched on April 12, 1961 carrying the first man to be in space. The man’s name was Cosmonaut Yuri A. Gargarin. He orbited space once.
  • Mercury Freedom 7

    Mercury Freedom 7
    It carried Alan B. Shepard; the first US astronaut into space. It was launched May 5, 1961.
  • Mercury Friendship 7:

    Mercury Friendship 7:
    It was launched February 20, 1962 with John H. Glenn. He was the first American to orbit the Earth. He orbited the Earth three times.
  • Mariner 2

    Mariner 2
    The Mariner 2 was the first planetary spacecraft that passed Venus and entered a solar orbit. It was launched December 14, 1962.
  • Vostok 6

    Vostok 6
    Valentia Tereshkova was the first women in space, and she orbited the Earth 48 times. The launch was June 16, 1963. It was sent by the Russians.
  • Ranger 7

    Ranger 7
    Ranger 7 was the first US space probe to successfully transmit close pictures of the moon back to Earth. It was launched July 28, 1964 and the picture was transmitted July 31, 1964.
  • Luna 9

    Luna 9
    The spacecraft was launched February 3, 1966. It was the first unmanned spacecraft to soft-land on the moon. The spacecraft was from Soviet Union.
  • Luna 10

    Luna 10
    Luna 10 was launched March, 1966, and it was launched by the Soviet Union. It was the first spacecraft to orbit the moon.
  • Soyuz 1

    Soyuz 1
    The spaceflight took place April 23, 1967, and it carried Vladimir M. Komarov. Vladimir died when the spacecraft crashed returning to Earth. This was the first crash in the history of spaceflight.
  • Apollo 8

    Apollo 8
    Apollo 8 was the first manned spacecraft to orbit the moon. It made 10 orbits in six days. It was launched December 21, 1968.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 was launched July 20, 1969, and it carried Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin. They were the first men to soft- land on the moon, but Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon.
  • Challenger

    The Challenger was launched January 28, 1986 killing all seven crew member. The crew members included the first teacher in space.
  • First Men To Be In Space For a Year.

    First Men To Be In Space For a Year.
    Musa Manarov and Vladimir Titov completed their first year in space. They were on the Russian station called Mir.
  • Sojourner

    In July 6, 1997 Sojourner explored the surface of Mars. It took images of Mars and studied chemical properties of Mars’ soil.