space exploration

  • rival of the soviet union

    rival of the soviet union
    the space race was a a rivalry between the united states and soviet union its important because after world war 2 there became tension from the united sates andf the soveit union thta led to the cold war .
  • soviets launched a satelite into orbit

    soviets launched a satelite into orbit
    the u.s started to make there own space progream shortly after that .
  • creation of NASA

    creation of NASA
    in charge of space programming many scientist do the engereering with space flight nasa stands for national aeronautics space admidistration
  • first satelite sputnik explorer 1

    first satelite sputnik explorer 1
    definition - a statelite is a object that revolves around another thing in space .
  • moon research

    moon research
    1964 -1972 there was alot of moon research going on .they found out that the moon had a solid rocky surface becouse there ship didnt sink into the ground
  • first human to go to space

    first human to go to space
    yuri gagarin was the first person to go into space .he tried to orbit all the way around earth but didnt succseed .but the first american to fullley orbit earth was john glenn in 1962
  • apollo moon missions

    apollo moon missions
    a program of space flights undertaken by the US to land a man on the moon
  • first people on the moon

    first people on the moon
    in 1969 3 men accomplisghed landing on the moon and landing home safely these men were neil armstrong ,buzz aldrin who were the first people to land on the moon
  • spaecraft sent to orbit thr moon

    spaecraft sent  to orbit thr moon
    in 2003 therer waw a spacecraft the was sent to orbit the moon for data for as map of the moon
  • peopel sent to live on the moon

    in 2004 peopoe were sent to live on the moon they were given plenty of food water and other supplies needed to surrvive