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Southern Colonies

  • Jamestown is Founded

    Jamestown is the first permanent settlement in Virginia. The founder is the London Company. The type of colony is a chartered.
  • Virginia is Founded

    Virginia was the first colony to be founded. The founders were once again the London Company. It became a Chartered colony and later on it turned into a Royal colony.The purpose of Virginia was to expand New England's empire.
  • Maryland

    The after Virginia, Maryland was the second colony to be discovered in 1632. It was founded by Lord Baltimore. The type of colony was proprietary and then it turned into a roysl. The purpose was for refuge for english catholics.
  • North Carolina

    The third colony was North Carolina. It was founded by Charles II. the type of colony that it turned into was a proprietary and then into a royal. Their purpose of settling there is to have farm lands.