Southern Colonies

  • The Settlers from New England

    John Smith and the London Company found the Virginia Colony at Jamestown. Jamestown was the first thirteen original colonies.
  • the colonists of roanoke island

    the      colonists   of   roanoke    island
    hundred people are sent to help the colonists at roanoke island.Roanoke is also seen as the lost colony.
  • London Company of Virgina

    London Company of Virgina
    Massachussetts Bay Colony is established as the Second Colony.
  • English Separtist of the Mayflower

    English Separtist of the Mayflower
    Virginia becomes a royal colony of England.
  • The Colony Plymouth of Massachussets Bay

    The Colony Plymouth of Massachussets Bay
    New Amsterdam is settled which later became New York.
  • A Rpyal Colony of New Hampshire

    A Rpyal Colony of New Hampshire
    pilgrims invited people to thanksgiving to show thanks to people.Pilgrims landed in plymouth massachutes on November of 2009.Colonists became best friends with the Native Americans.Squanto interepted and teached them how to grow crops.
  • The Ninth Colony of South Carolina

    The Ninth Colony of South Carolina
    South Carolina is the ninth colony in the thirteen colonies.
  • The Tenth Colony of New Jersey

    The Tenth Colony of New Jersey
    the tenth colonie iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssss New Jersey!
  • A Royal Colony of New York

    A Royal Colony of New York
    the royal colonie is the best place ever is NEW YORK
  • Freedom of Pennsylvania

    Freedom of Pennsylvania
    pennsylvania is the freedom in the thirteen colonies