Sound Recording Timeline

  • edouard-eon scott

    edouard-eon scott
    Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville invented the phonautograph, the first device that could record sound waves as they passed through the air. It was intended only for visual study of the recording and could not play back the sound. The recording medium was a sheet of soot-coated paper wrapped around a rotating cylinder carried on a threaded rod.
  • recorin sound

    Recording music started
  • In 1877

    In 1877
    Edison invented the phonograph. It’s a layer of tin foil wrapped around a cylinder; sound waves caused Edison's phonograph to make grooves in the foil, recording the sound. The machine was then able to reproduce the sound by “reading” the grooves.
  • Emile Berliner

    Emile Berliner
    A German immigrant working in Washington DC, patented a successful system of sound recording. Berliner was the first inventor to stop recording on cylinders, and start recording on flat discs or records.
  • 1930

    a new way of capturing sound came along and the invention was a magnetic tape. The tape recorders don’t use a stylus. The tape is a coated magnetic tape know as the recording head. The head reacts to theelectrical signal produced by microphones to createa pattern on the tape.
  • Paul and his wife Mary Ford

    Paul and his wife Mary Ford
    Used his three-head mutitrack machines to create many layers of sound, and his work earned 16 top 10 hits between 1950 to 1954.
  • 1970

    A number of albums were released both in stereo and quadrophonic format in the 1970s, but 'quad' failed to gain wide commercial acceptance
  • invention

    digital systems were introduced and began to prevail. Ironically, in many of them the sound recording is, as in Vitaphone, again recorded on a separate disk; but now, digital processes can achieve reliable and perfect synchronization
  • Hailey knose (everything)

    Hailey knose (everything)
    In 2011 may somethin I gave up on my birth mother and said im done with her and told my step mom to adopt me. Then a year later on june 7 2012 4:12 in the mornin my cat died :(
  • John Cox

    John Cox
    J.c. – In third grade Jesus broke my two front teeth out and they went threw my lower lip. Now all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth. :)