some time stuff

  • Archduke Francis Ferdinand Assassinated

    Archduke Francis Ferdinand Assassinated
    Archduke Francis Ferdinand was one of the main reasons World War I started. He was driving through Sarajevo with his wife Sophie, then all the sudden, gunshots were fired. Both Ferdinand and his wife were killed. Princip admitted he killed Ferdinand, but he claims he did not mean to kill Sophie.
  • Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia
    Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia exactly one month after Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were shot. He was the reason that this war started.
  • germany declares war on russia

    germany declares war on russia
    Germany and Russia declare war on each other just four days after Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. This is just the beginning of a huge World War.
  • Germany Declares War on France

    Germany Declares War on France
    Both Germany and France declared war on each other. They both were even preparing to invade each other. Now, the call of war is official, and not only is Germany at war with Russia, but now also with France.
  • Germany Invades Belgium

    Germany Invades Belgium
    In the opening month of World War I, the German troops stationed in the Belgian village of Louvain to burn and loot much of the town, as well as executing many civillians.
  • German U-Boats Sink the Lusitania

    German U-Boats Sink the Lusitania
    German u-boats would hit any ship heading to Great Britian. The U.S. had a passenger ship heading to Great Britian, but they ignored these recommendations, getting hit by an exploding torpedo and completely sinking 20 minutes later.
  • The Zimmerman Note is Discovered

    The Zimmerman Note is Discovered
    Written by Arthur Zimmerman, this note was intercepted by a British code-breaker from Heinrich von Eckardt, who the note was meant to go to. Then, after it was decoded, it was passed on the U.S. and published.
  • Germany Announces Unresticted Submarine Warfare

    Germany Announces Unresticted Submarine Warfare
    The Germans suspended this in response to pressure from the U.S. and other neutral countries, but announce to resume it a little later.
  • The United States Declare War on Germany

    The United States Declare War on Germany
    This enters America in the big World War, just two days after senate voted them in. Woodrow Wilson wanted to maintain neutrality, but they entered upon Britain's side with the Allies.
  • The Russian Monarchy is Overthrown

    The Russian Monarchy is Overthrown
    Two revolutions swept through Russia, ending centuries of imperal rule and setting new ideas in place that would lead to the Soviet Union.