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Social Studies Timeline 1800-1905

  • Fur trade

    Fur trade
    The fur trade was key to the growth of the Canada in Europe, hats from beaver pelts had become fashionable and valuable and show high social status. The forests of North America were native to these animals provided the furs. (economy)
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    The offer of cheap or free land, fertile soil, and the Irish potato famish lead many to immigrate to Canada. Although there voyage was unsanitary and dangerous, causing many to die along the way, Canada was thought to be a new beginning. (Culture/environment)
  • Battle of Seven Oaks

    Battle of Seven Oaks
    Also known as The Pemmican War, a series of armed confrontations between the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) and the North West Company (NWC) regarding the North American fur trade. (law)
  • Merge of HBC and NWC

    Merge of HBC and NWC
    Bankruptcy causes these previously known rivals to join forces and create what is known by today as the Hudson Bay Company.(law)
  • Slavery Illegal

    Slavery Illegal
    With slavery being illegal in canada, many slaves attempted to escape from the US. Canada offered protection to escaped slaves if they made it to Canada.(law)
  • Rebellions

    After the migration and people had cleared their land, people began to talk to eachother. when issues came into descussion, it lead to a great rebellion. (law)
  • Durham Report

    Durham Report
    Lord Durham was sent to resesarch why the rebellions had taken place and how to avoid further rebellions. He had created a document stating his beliefs that Upper and Lower canada should be unified. (law)
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    The act was accepted by Lower Canada in November and by Upper Canada in December. Thus, Upper and lower Canada were united as one on February 10th, 1841 in Montreal. The act claimed to give equal representation from both Canada East and Canada West but was unfair due to the abolishment of the french language and culture.(law)
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    The Americans believe that it was their destiny to have of all of North America under their power.
  • The Oregon Treaty

    The Oregon Treaty
    The Northern boundary of the U.S. was to be west of the Rockies to be latitude 54° 40' North. Tthe United Kingdom wanted a border that followed the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean. The dispute was resolved in the Oregon Treaty, which established the 49th parallel as the boundary through the Rockies. (law)
  • Industrialization

    Canada began becoming more advanced with echnology allowing them to make great machines and factories. These factories allowed products to be made faster, resulting with a higher rate of profit. (economy)
  • Coal mining

    Coal mining
    Coal mining was a great source of Canada's economy. During the industrial revolution coal was on high demand, and could be found around Vancouver Island. (economy)
  • Mining

    Mining was a Important source of income as the metals and minerals found made up the materials needed during the Industrial Revolution. The more machines built, The faster products could be made, resulting in a higher profit. (economy)
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    The American Civil War was imortant for forming the identity of Canadians.the threat of American invasion pushed positively to confederation, Creating a higher defence system against the Americans.(law)
  • Cariboo Gold Rush

    Cariboo Gold Rush
    The Cariboo Gold Rush brought many to canada hoping to strike it rich easily. Unfortunately, one could not just pick up golden nuggets walking beside the river as many had hoped. Gold mining is a back-breaking task. (economy) Americans also came to canada, trying to get their hands on some of the riches.
  • Confederation

    Before Canada united British North America was made up of a few provinces, Rupert’s and the North-Western Territory. Many leaders thought it would be beneficial to join into one country. These leaders were known as the Fathers of Confederation.(law)
  • Metis Bill of Rights

    Metis Bill of Rights
    A list of conditions that the Metis demanded the Canadian Government abide by. Including the right to elect their legislature and the Legislature to have power to pass all laws. (law)
  • British Columbia joins Confederation

    British Columbia joins Confederation
    Originally known as Dominion Day, but now modernaly known as Canada Day,July 1st 1871 marks the day British Columbia joined confederation. Thus, forming four provinces, strengthening Canada.
  • North West Mounted Police

    North West Mounted Police
    The North West Mounted Police were created in 1873 to enforce law. The whisky trade was incorperated of the Europeans trading whiskey to the Natives for goods. Unfortunatly the Natives were becoming dependant on this alcohol and were making choices under the influence. Therefore, The NWMP were introduced to eliminate the trade of whisky. (law)
  • Emily Stowe

    Emily Stowe
    Emily Stowe was the first female doctor in canada. She helped to eliminate discriination against women and sufferage. (economy)
  • Red River Rebellion

    Red River Rebellion
    The metis territory was being threated to be taken away from them. They feared that their culture and freedom would be ripped away from their hands. The metis attempted to rebel but stood no chance, but they went down with honor. (culture)
  • Canadian Pacific Railway

    Canadian Pacific Railway
    Spanning from coast to coast this railway was created to protect Canada from the Americans. Its original purpose was to be a transcontinental railway. The railway was also a promise to British Columbia for joining into Confederation. (economy)