Social Studies 10 Important Events in History

By anl1349
  • Declaration of Independace was Formed

    Declaration of Independace was Formed
    The Declaration of Independace was deffinately big in our country because it basicly created our country. Without it we could still be part of britian .Benjamen Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston drafted the Declaration of Independace from Britian.
  • George Washington Died

    George Washington Died
    George Washington died becuase he had a severe cold and was not able to swallow any medicine due to his sore throat. The reason this is an important event in US history is because the founding father of our country died.We kind of didn't know where to go after his death but, because of the strong people that took his place (presidents) after his death, our country survived.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase took place after the Treaty of Paris was signed. We took land that is now Oklahoma, Iowa, Nebraska, Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri, from Spain. It is important to our history because without it we would not have as big as a country as we do now.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    The Civil War was when the United States of America was kind of split in 2. The north was the Union and the south was the Confederates. They were fighting over slavery and if slavery should be alound or not. The north eventually won and slavery was abolished. This event is important to our country because it was the first real argument that was settled and eventually everyone agreed on it.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Japanesse forces attacked Pearl Harbor a Hawaiin Naval Base. They were just tring to scare/stop the US Navy from interfearing with any of the Japanesse Military. This is important to our country because it was the start of World War 2 and that was a very deadly yet, sattisfying war.
  • Jackie Robbinson's First Baseball Game

    Jackie Robbinson's First Baseball Game
    We may not think about it everyday but, Jackie Robbinson was really the first person to try to change the way sports were played. Before Jackie stepped up in the big leagues blacks and whites had two different leages and it didn't matter how good you were but, what your race was. Jackie changed all of that. This was important to U.S history because it was just one step closer to having our country come together instead being separated into two by our race.
  • NASA Was Created

    NASA Was Created
    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration was created and on there way to haveing the first man on the moon before Hawaii was even part of the United States.NASA was a big event in our history because we showed the rest of the world that we, the U.S.A. put the first man on the moon
  • Martin Luther King Jr. said the "I have a dream" speech

    Martin Luther King Jr. said the "I have a dream" speech
    The famous "I have a dream" speech changed this country forever. It really made the citizens of our country understand that there was no reason for our country to be separated into 2. The people finally understtod and the black and white people were able to drink from the same water fountin or go to the same school.
  • John F. Kennedy Assassination

    John F. Kennedy Assassination
    John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas. He was in a motorcade driving in dealey plaza and Lee Oswald stood in a storage place up high and shot our president. This is important to our history because it made our security on our president much greater but, it was still a very sad day in US history
  • 9/11 Attack

    9/11 Attack
    9/11 is a date we american citizens will never forget. It was the day 19 hijackers took over 4 planes. Two crashed into the twin towers, one crashed into the pentagon, and 1 never got to its' destination and landed in a field in Pennsylvania. This is important to our country becuase we never thought something like this would happen and now that it did we are more prepared if something like it would happen again.