social media in the aughts and teens

  • email

    Email begins competing with snail mail
  • AIM

    AIM "invents" instant messaging, competes with email.
  • iTunes

    iTunes disrupted music. Traditionally music had to be bought by album and it spread via word-of-mouth. Now, iTunes users could share songs with one another, they could only buy one song instead of a whole album, and through recommendations, they didn't have to talk to one another any more. A very crude "social media" at the time.
  • MySpace

    The original social media site, Myspace paved the way for Facebook's broad appeal. MySpace disrupted the music industry by providing a place for bands to share their music for free.
  • LinkedIn

    LinkedIn was started in '03 and went public in '11. LinkedIn disrupted hiring by creating a social media platform for a professional space. It allowed people to look at others resumes online, recruit those who may not have been looking for a job and more. Before LinkedIn, you either applied for a job, or you were in touch with a recruiter.