
Social Emotional Development Timeline

By th911
  • Fear: Age

    Fear: Age
    Fear occur around six months
  • Period: to


  • Fear: Term with definitions

    Fear: Term with definitions
    Fear is an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)
    Babies usually will fear of loud noise, adult stranger, or scare to get the soap into their eyes.
  • Fear: Happening with child at certain age

    Fear: Happening with child at certain age
    At birth, babies react with the startle reflex when they hear loud sounds or do not have support for their bodies.
    By four or five months, some babies fear adult strangers. They may even fear of adults they know who have new hairstyles, hats, sunglasses, or other such changes.
    By around six months, a fear as an emotion occurs
  • Fear: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage

    Fear: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage
    Be patient for teaching infants new thing, some direct experiences may give fear to infants.
    Adults should act and look happily when they’re around the infants.
    Don’t tell babies about so many situations may hurt them.
    If there is too much fear in the babies, it become really hard for babies to welcome new experiences.
  • Period: to

    Infants: Fear

  • Anxiety: Age

    Anxiety: Age
    Anxiety is seen in babies most often between 10 to 12 months
  • Anxiety: Terms with definitions

    Anxiety: Terms with definitions
    Anxiety is fear of a possible future event.
    Sometimes the words worry or concern are used to describe anxiety.
  • Anxiety: Happening with child at each age

    Anxiety: Happening with child at each age
    The first anxiety of an infant is called separation anxiety, the babies notice this anxiety when the parents getting ready to leave them, especially when the babysitters are near.
    Babies are younger than two-year-olds cannot understand the reason why the parents must leave
    During the first year, babies need someone to fulfill their needs
  • Anxiety: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage

    Anxiety: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage
    Parents should become a person that can fulfill the babies’ need.
    Teach infant to become more independence.
  • Anger: Age

    Anger: Age
    By 8 to 10 months, babies begin to develop true anger.
  • Anger: Terms with definitions

    Anger: Terms with definitions
    Anger is a strong emotion; a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance
    Babies express anger when they are distressed.
    Infant is not anger, for there no thought.
  • Anger: Happening with child at each age

    Anger: Happening with child at each age
    The babies may hold against their will.
    Babies will be anger when toys are taking away from them.
    Babies will cry louder and push the toy away if they are being ignoring when they needs met.
    All babies express anger in a physical ways.
    Babies who are shown more negative moods show much more anger.
  • Anxiety: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage

    Anxiety: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage
    The babies will stay calm when adults talk in a quiet voice and not looking upset.
    Sometimes, parents can reduce anger by holding the babies for a short time.
    Meeting the babies’ need quickly will prevent anger.
  • Period: to


  • Fear: Age

    Fear: Age
    Many fears began during infancy are ivident after first birthday.
    Fears increase quickly after age two because toddlers know about more things to fear.
    Occur from around 8 months to preschool years.
  • Fear: Terms with definitions

    Fear: Terms with definitions
    Fear is a emotional scare of dark, monster, fear of animals, injury, gestures, startling noises, or bad people.
    The toddlers can also imagine things that do not exist
  • Fear: Happening with child at each age

    Fear: Happening with child at each age
    It is common to see a two-year-olds who fears dogs barking and growling in play.
    Toddlers may imitate bad people seen on television or in books
    They know more about the object that can hurt them, so they fear.
  • Fear: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage

    Fear: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage
    Never tease toddlers about their fears or push them into scary situations.
    To decrease the toddlers’ fear, adults should keep the watching television time in limit.
    The time for toddler to watch television is two hours or less occurs to the American Academy of Pediatrics.
  • Anxiety: Age

    Anxiety: Age
    The separation anxiety continues into the toddler stage and sometimes beyond.
  • Anxiety: Term with definitions

    Anxiety: Term with definitions
    Anxiety is intense distress when the parents or close adults need to leave the toddler.
  • Anxiety: Happening with child

    Anxiety: Happening with child
    Nightmares may begin around two years of age, but the detail in the nightmares are unreal.
    The seperation anxiety may decrease because of the increased in language skills.
  • Anxiety: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage

    Anxiety: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage
    Parents must make sure their toddler receives good and loving care during seperation.
    Taking care of the nightmares by hugging the toddlers or let them be with the parents so they can calm down.
  • Anger: Term with definitions

    Anger: Term with definitions
    Anger is an intense emotional state of displeasure with someone or something
  • Anger: Age

    Anger: Age
    Occur from birth to two and continue to increase
  • Snxiety: Happen with child

    Snxiety: Happen with child
    The child may lie on the floor, kick, and scream, this is example of temper tantrums.
    Temper tantrums is sudden emotional outbursts of anger commonly displayed by toddlers.
    Toddlers react temper tantrum to attract attention from adult.
  • Anger: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage

    Anger: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage
    Ignoring will stop the toddlers from temper tantrum, but after the tantrum is over give the toddlers love and reassurance.
    Do not give in.
    Make sure child is safe.
    Give time to calm down.
    Give assurannce.
    Teach expected behaviors.
  • Period: to


  • Fear & Anxiety: Age

    Fear & Anxiety: Age
    Many of the toddler's fears disappear by the preschool years.
    New fears and anxieties replace the previous ones.
  • Fear & anxiety: Terms with definitions

    Fear & anxiety: Terms with definitions
    Fears are individual, fears in the preschooler years do share some common feature.
  • Fear & anxiety: Happening with child

    Fear & anxiety: Happening with child
    Fear of loud noise decrease but the fear of the imagined increase.
    Physical injuries become more common, such as death by fire, an auto accident, or drowing, and the fear of bites, ans sting of animals and insects.
    Fear of pain causes by medical and dental work.
  • Fear & anxiety: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage

    Fear & anxiety: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage
    The preschoolers may understand a lot of thing due to the growing of their mind, but their understanding is still be limited.
    The lack of understanding often creates fears and anxiety.
    Some fear can also protect the children from trying unsafe activities.
  • Anger & aggression: Age

    Anger & aggression: Age
    Anger and aggression begin around 10 months of age.
  • Anger & aggression: Term with definitions

    Anger & aggression: Term with definitions
    Expression of anger and aggression change in the preschool years to some extent.
  • Anger & aggression: Happening with child

    Anger & aggression: Happening with child
    Preschoolers tent to hit or bite less than toddlrs, but they threaten and yell more.
    Biys tent to be more physical than girls, whereas girls tend to be more verbal than boys.
    Anger and aggression seem to be directed toward siblings and peers more often than toward adults.
  • Anger & aggression: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage

    Anger & aggression: Techniques caregivers/parents can use to help child through stage
    Adult should seek to determine the underlying causes of such agrression and take actions to help children.
    Making sure toys are enough for all the children to play.