Social Changes

  • 1100

    Increase in economy.

    Increase in economy.
    under free enterprise, the Industrial Revolution raised the world's standard of living. The services and goods produced continued to bring prosperity, making even poor countries seem wealthy compared to their economic status a century ago.
  • McAdam's

    Mc Adam's use of crushed rock in road construction was a huge improvement in making road travel safer and more comfortable. The railroad and the steam locomotive was quicker and safer than ever.
  • bourgeoisie

    the bourgeoisie is the so-called middle class. In social and political theory, the notion of the bourgeoisie was largely a construct of Karl Marx and of those who were influenced by him.
  • The Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution
    many people from outlying farm districts Came into urban areas
    because these people were seeking a better economic life for themselves and for their families. Most people were successful in rural farmer, others realized too late how difficult the social and economic conditions were in the cities. They had to sell the little they owned. Rural families had little choice but to remain in the new situation they had chosen for themselves.
  • Urbanized life.

    Urbanized life.
    The great influx of workers to the city created immense social problems. The most common problem was the lack of houses. Many workers were not able to afford houses because of little wages. Most of the time two or more people were sharing one floor.
  • Trasportaion problems

    Trasportaion problems
    lack of transportation made it hard on city workers. Most people had to walk through crowded streets to their respective jobs. many transportation systems were very slow so being there on time was as well a struggle.
  • socialism.

    the social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live or work in isolation but live to provide for one another Furthermore, everything that people produce is in some way everyone else's. Socialism is a good idea somewhat but when but to action doesn't work.
  • free enterprise

    free enterprise
    a business organization wholly or partly owned by the state and controlled through a public authority. Some public enterprises are placed under public ownership because, for social reasons, it is thought the service or product should be provided by a state monopoly
  • foreign trade

    foreign trade
    economic transactions that are made between countries. they liked to trade sets and clothing; capital goods, such as machinery; and raw materials and food
  • Availability of products.

    Availability of products.
    The impact of the Industrial Revolution's phenomenal was felt throughout the world's trade markets. many consumptions demanded mass production and kept factories operating and economies flourishing.