Social and Cultural change in Canada from 1914 to 1929

  • World War 1 starting

    World War 1 starting
    World War I, also known as the Great War, began in 1914 after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.( Editors) Britain went to war, which meant that Canada was also involved in the conflict, which resulted in the deaths of nearly 60,000 Canadians. Many people's perceptions of war shifted as a result, and they no longer saw it as a thrilling adventure.
  • The War Measures Act

    The War Measures Act
    The War Measures Act was approved by Canada on August 22, 1914. This legislation gave the government the power to imprison and arrest Canadians, as well as seize their property. Because of the need for emergency measures during the war, this legislation was approved. Some residents were alarmed by the government's newfound authority over them
  • Wartime Election Act

    Wartime Election Act
    Canada passed the Wartime Elections Act in September 1917. The act was part of the Conservative government’s efforts to win the federal election later that year.(Druga)
    Due to the lack of males because of conscription, women were forced to work, and as a result of their achievements, they were given the opportunity to vote in the forthcoming election for the first time in Canada's history.
  • Federal Election Debate

    Federal Election Debate
    Conscription was the subject of heated debate on December 17, 1917. Conscription was opposed by the majority of French-Canadians and non-English immigrants, while it was supported by the majority of English-speaking Canadians and soldiers' families. When males are compelled to serve in the military, this is known as conscription. This discussion sparked a schism between the two parties.
  • The Spanish Flu

    The Spanish Flu
    The Spanish flu ravaged Canada in 1918, killing an estimated 50,000 people and drastically altering how people lived and interacted. The virus was brought to Halifax by troops on board a ship.
  • The Winnipeg General Strike

    The Winnipeg General Strike
    The Winnipeg General Strike of 1919 was the largest strike in Canadian history(“Winnipeg General Strike of 1919 | the Canadian Encyclopedia”). Over 30,000 individuals have lost their employment. Although the strike did not instantly improve working conditions, it did bring the working class together.
  • The Group of Seven

    The Group of Seven
    The Group of Seven was formed on May 7, 1920, by seven Canadian painters who were fed up with the conservatism of Canadian art. Their work earned international acclaim and influenced some people's perceptions of art.
  • The crash of the American stock market

    The crash of the American stock market
    October 24, 1929, ushered in the Great Depression, and living for many Canadians became extremely difficult.After October 29, 1929, stock prices had nowhere to go but up, so there was considerable recovery during succeeding weeks. Overall, however, prices continued to drop as the United States slumped into the Great Depression ( Editors) Everyone's mood was affected as a result of this, as everyone was now in a financial bind.